1.Move the fireplace into position.
2.Fasten the roof support to the roof using the screws provided. FIGURE 22. The roof support is optional. In this case the venting is to be adequately supported using ei- ther an alternate method suitable to the authority having jurisdiction or the optional roof support.
3.Apply high temperature sealant to the outer edge of the inner sleeve of the air terminal. Slip a 5" diameter coupler a minimum of 2" over the sleeve and secure using 3 screws.
Proceed once the vent installation is complete.
1. Move the fireplace into position and secure using the |
nailing tabs and/or secure to the floor through the ¼"diam- |
eter holes located at either end of the base. |
2. Route a 3/8" N.P.T. black iron gas line, 1/2" |
per tubing or equivalent to the fireplace. |
3. For ease of accessibility, an optional remote wall switch |
or millivolt thermostat may be installed in a convenient lo- |
cation. Route |
4. Apply high temperature seal- ant to the outer edge of the of the outside sleeve of the air terminal. Slip a 8" diameter coupler over the sleeve and secure as before. FIG- URE 27. Trim the 8" coupler even with the 5" coupler end.
5. Thread the air terminal pipe assembly down through the roof support and attach, ensuring that a minimum 16" of air terminal will penetrate the roof when fas- tened. FIGURE 22. If the attic space is tight, we recommend threading the Wolf Steel vent pipe collar or equivalent loosely onto the air terminal assembly as it is passed through the attic. FIGURE 28. The air terminal must be located vertically and plumb.
the electrical hole located at the bottom left side of the unit. |
The recommended maximum lead length depends on wire |
size: | WIRE SIZE | MAX. LENGTH | |
| 14 | gauge | 100 feet |
| 16 | gauge | 60 feet |
| 18 | gauge | 40 feet |
Attach the two leads to terminals 1 and 3 located on the gas valve.
1 |
2 |
| OL |
| N | O | |
| F | |
| HI | O | F |
| TOLI | ||
| 3 |
| P |
| P |
| |
| TOLI |
4.Install rigid black pipe, 1/2"
6.Remove nails from the shingles, above and to the sides of the chimney. Place the flashing over the air termi- nal and slide it underneath the sides and upper edge of the shingles. Ensure that the air terminal is properly centered within the flashing, giving a 3/4" margin all around. Fasten to the roof. Do NOT nail through the lower portion of the flashing. Make
7.Apply a heavy bead of waterproof caulking 2 inches above the flashing. Slide the storm collar around the air terminal and down to the caulking. Tighten to ensure that a
8.Continue adding rigid venting sections, sealing and securing as above. Attach a 5" collapsed telescopic pipe to the last section of rigid piping. Secure with screws and seal. Repeat using a 8" telescopic pipe.
9.Run a bead of high temperature sealant around the outside of the 5" collar on the fireplace. Pull the adjustable pipe a minimum of 2" onto the collar. Secure with 3 screws. Repeat with the 8" telescopic pipe.
10.In the attic, slide the vent pipe collar down to cover up the open end of the shield and tighten. This will prevent any materials, such as insulation, from filling up the 1" air space around the pipe.
The gas line and the shutoff valve (if so equipped) must not interfere with the opening and closing of the door latch.
Seal and tighten securely. An adapter fitting is required between the gas valve and the copper tubing or flex con- nector.
Do not kink flex connector.
5.Check for gas leaks by brushing on a soap and water solution.
Do not use open flame.
Do not connect either the wall switch, thermostat or gas valve to electricity (110 volts).
Purge all gas lines with the glass door of the fireplace open. Assure that a continuous gas flow is at the burner before closing the door.