ignitor Battery Installation- See Fig. 12
1.Unscrewthe IgnitorCaplocatedon the grin ControlPanelandremovethe Contactand Springfromthe ignitorSlot.
2.Placethe manufacturersuppliedAA battery into the ignitorSlot. Be sure to placethe positivepolefacingtowardyou.
. Place the Spring over the AA battery, then place the Contact on top of the Spring.
Screw the ignitor Cap back onto the grill Control Panel.
Electrode Check - Requires an Assistant
Before placing the cooking components into your grill, ensure that the Spark Electrode Tip is properly positioned within each Gas Collector Box (a 3=1/4" wide stainless mechanism found at the front between each set of burners.) The easiest way to ensure this is to perform the following Electrode Check:
1.Be sure aN Control Knobs are set to OFF. Open the Grin Lid.
. Have an assistant stand behind to the right of the grill and look down at each Gas Collector Box. NEVER put your face inside the Grill Head.
Press the Ignitor Cap and have the assistant watch for a smaN blue spark within each
Gas Collector Box. If a spark is present the Electrode Tips are properly positioned.
4.If no spark is seen the Spark Gap shown in Fig. 13 needs to be adjusted as follows:
', Using an adjustable wrench, loosen the Inside
Nut just until the Gas Collector Box can be maneuvered and turned upward.
"The gap between the Spark Electrode Tip and the Spark Receiver should be approxio mately 3/16".
,,If the gap is wider than 3/16" use a pair of long nose pliers and gently squeeze the Gas CoNec= tot Box until the gap is correct.
,,Return the Gas CoNector Box to its original horizontal position, secure the Inside Nut and try the Electrode Check again.
Figure 12
IGNITOR | CAP | _,, |
Figure 13 - Side View