if thegrill fallsto light propeNy:
1.Turngasoffatsourceandturnthecontrolknobto OFF.Waitatleastfiveminutesforgastoclear, thenretry.
3.RepeatlightingprocedureIf. yourgrillstillfails to operateproperly,turnthegasoff atsource, turnthecontrolknobsto OFF,thencheckthe following:
,,Misaiignmentofburnertubesoverodfices Correction:Repositionburnertubesoverorifices.
"Obstructioningasline Correction:Removefuellinefromgrill.Donot smoke!Opengassupplyforonesecondtoclear anyobstructionfromfuelline.Closeoffgassupply atsourceandreconnectfuellinetogrill.
"Pluggedorifice Correction:Removeburnersfromgrillbypulling cotterpin(beneathburner)usingascrewdriveror pliersCarefullylifteachburnerupandawayfrom. gasvalveorificeRemovetheorificefromgas. valveandgentlyclearanyobstructionwithafine wire.Thenreinstalla[[orifices,burners,cotter pinsandcookingcomponents.
ifanobstructionissuspectedingasvalvesor gasvalvebracket,pleasecallforrepairserviceat
"Misalignmentofignitoronburner Correction:Checkforproperpositionofthe electrodetipasshownin Figure13.Thegap betweentheSparkElectrodeTipandSpark Receivershouldbeapproximately3/16"Adjustif. necessaryWiththegassupplyclosedandall. controlknobssettoOFFpresstheelectric ignitorcapandcheckforthepresenceofaspark attheelectrode.
,,WeakAAbattery Correction:UnscrewtheignitorCapand replacethebattery.
. if the gdH still does not light you may need to purge air from the gas line or reset the regulator excess gas flow device. Note: This procedure should be done every time a new LP gas tank is connected to your grill.
To purge air from your gas line and/or reset the regulator excess gas flow device:
"Turn the control knobs to the OFF position.
"Turn off the gas at the tank valve.
"Disconnect regulator from LP gas tank.
"Let unit stand for 5 minutes.
"Reconnect regulator to the LP gas tank.
"Turn the tank valve on slowly until 1/4 to 1/2 open.
"Open the Grill Lid or Side Burner Lid.
"Set control knobs to OFF and open the LP gas tank valve.
"To light grill push and turn the LEFT control knob to HIGH. To light the Side Burner turn its control knob to HIGH.
5.if all checks or corrections have been made and you still have questions about operating your gas grill, ca[[ the Manufacturer's Customer Service Help[ine 8am z 8pm CST, Monday through Friday at
Should a
,Shut off gas supply to the gas grill.
,Turn the control knobs to OFF position.
,Put out any flame with a fire extinguisher.
,Open grill Hd.
,Once the grill has cooled down, dean the burner tubes and burners according to the cleaning instructions found on page 19 in this manual