Kenmore 141.1664, 141.1764 owner manual FigurelOb

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Insta{lingLP Gas FuemGaugeAssemb{y

1.Unscrewthe M18x1.5and M8x1.25nutsfrom the PressureCylinder.

2.Unscrewand removethe FixingRingfromthe Dial.See Fig. 10a.

3.inserttheend with PressureCylinderthrough the notchedholeon right SideShelf.See Fig. 10b. Turnthe Dialuntil it matchesthe notchedhole,and pushit into the hole.

4.Screwthe FixingRingbackto the Dialfrom the PressureCylinderside. See Fig. 10c.

5.insertthe PressureCylinderinto Pressure CylinderGuide,and secureusingthe de- tachedM18x1.5nut. See Fig. 11.

6.AttachTankHookto the lowerthreadof

PressureCylinder,and securefirmlyusingthe detachedM8x1.25nut. Oncetank is con-

nected,the dial will indicateamountof gas in tank.









Your natural gas grill is designed to operate on natural gas only, at a pressure of 7" water column (W.C.) (1/4 psig or 1.75 kpa), regulated at the residential meter. Check with your gas utility company for local gas pressure and with your local municipality for building code requirements. If your residential gas line pressure has not been regu- lated to 7" W.C, contact your local gas utility company for professional assistance.

It is recommended that a ShutoffValve be installed at

the gas supplysource outdoors. Install ata point after the gas pipe exits the outside wall and before the quick-discon nect hose, or install it at the point before the gas line piping enters the ground.

Pipe sealing compound or pipe thread tape resistant to the action of natural gas must be used

on all male pipe threads when making the connection.

Disconnect your gas grill from fuel source when the gas supply is being tested at high pressures. This gas grill and its individual shutoffvalve must be disconnected from the gas supply pipe system during any pressure testing of that system at pressure in excess of 1/2 psi (3.5kpa).

Turn off your gas grill when the gas supply is being tested at low pressures. The grill must be isolated from the gas supply pipe system by closing its individual manual shutoffvalve during any pressure testing of the gas supply pipe system at pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psi (3.5kpa).

Figure 10c





Figure 11







Image 13
Contents Modem141.176400 ModelPage Air aroundthe gasgrill housing Proper Placementand Clearanceof GritlFailureto comply with these instructions OOT Page Actual Size and Quantity of Each Hardware Piece 35J LPGonly REF# Descrpton PART# QTY PartCabinet Beforeassemblingyourgasgrill,use the partsTOP Panel Cabinet 1/4xl-3/8Phillipsheadscrewsand lock nutsand tightensecurely Connection Tube Installing Side Burner and Side ShelfFigurelOb Side View Congratulations Installing CookingComponentsTing Hole If thegrill fallsto light propeNy BesureyourgrillisOFFandcoolbeforecleaning Cleananycloggedportswitha stiffwire,suchas anopenpaperclip CleaningThe BurnerTubesandBurnerPortsSurfacestoturntancolorThisisdiscoloration,notrust Congratulations WARNtNGGritlingSteakand Ribs Turnthegrillburnersonhigh,closethelid Tominimizeflare=ups,trygrillingpoultryusingApproximatecookingtimesshownatright Bonelesscubes WholeFishandWholeFillets Cutof MeatRequiresthelidofyourgrilltobeclosed Preparingto RoastFoodpreparation Trimmeatofexcessfat.Trussmeatandpoultrywith Baking TechniquesPreparingto Stir-fry STIR-FRYINGTECHNIQUESDEEP-FRYING Techniques Smokingtechniques RotisserietechniquesChicago Style HOT Dogs Double Salsa BurgersPreparingtheGarlic RiB EYESTEAKSWiTHGRILLEDGARLICPreparingSteaks HERB-PEPPERSiRLOiNSTEAKMUSTARD-GLAZEDHALIBUTSTEAKS MarinatedtunasteakAlmondcoatedtrout Barbecuedchcken SouthwestchckenbreastsPizza on the Grill TraditionalholidayturkeyTakeatriptotheOrientwiththiseasy, and healthy FRESHVEGETABLESTR-FRYOmon Blossoms Grilled Potato SkinsMe or oursT