Kenmore 141.1664, 141.1764 owner manual Me or oursT

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Image 33
Contents Modem141.176400 ModelPage Proper Placementand Clearanceof Gritl Air aroundthe gasgrill housingFailureto comply with these instructions OOT Page Actual Size and Quantity of Each Hardware Piece 35J LPGonly REF# Descrpton PART# QTY PartCabinet Beforeassemblingyourgasgrill,use the partsTOP Panel Cabinet 1/4xl-3/8Phillipsheadscrewsand lock nutsand tightensecurely Connection Tube Installing Side Burner and Side ShelfFigurelOb Side View Congratulations Installing CookingComponentsTing Hole If thegrill fallsto light propeNy BesureyourgrillisOFFandcoolbeforecleaning Cleananycloggedportswitha stiffwire,suchas anopenpaperclip CleaningThe BurnerTubesandBurnerPortsSurfacestoturntancolorThisisdiscoloration,notrust Congratulations WARNtNGGritlingSteakand Ribs Turnthegrillburnersonhigh,closethelid Tominimizeflare=ups,trygrillingpoultryusingApproximatecookingtimesshownatright Bonelesscubes WholeFishandWholeFillets Cutof MeatRequiresthelidofyourgrilltobeclosed Preparingto RoastFoodpreparation Trimmeatofexcessfat.Trussmeatandpoultrywith Baking TechniquesSTIR-FRYINGTECHNIQUES Preparingto Stir-fryDEEP-FRYING Techniques Smokingtechniques RotisserietechniquesChicago Style HOT Dogs Double Salsa BurgersPreparingtheGarlic RiB EYESTEAKSWiTHGRILLEDGARLICPreparingSteaks HERB-PEPPERSiRLOiNSTEAKMarinatedtunasteak MUSTARD-GLAZEDHALIBUTSTEAKSAlmondcoatedtrout Barbecuedchcken SouthwestchckenbreastsPizza on the Grill TraditionalholidayturkeyTakeatriptotheOrientwiththiseasy, and healthy FRESHVEGETABLESTR-FRYOmon Blossoms Grilled Potato SkinsMe or oursT