WARNING: To ensure tha_ it is safe to eat, food must be cooked to the minimum internal temperatures listed in the _ble below.
USDA* Safe Minimum Internal Temperatures
Egg Dishes
Steaks ;and Roasts of Beef_ Veal or Lamb
Ground Beef, Veal or Lamb
Whole Poultry ('Turkey, Chicken, Duck, etc.) Ground or Pieces Poultry (Chicken Breast, etc.)
*United States Depa_ment of Agriculture
145 ° F
160 ° F
160 ° F
1450 F
160 ° F
165 ° F
165 ° F
FOOD | Weight or thickness | Temperature | Time | Special instructions and tips | |
| Slice or chop vegetables and dot with butter or | |
Vegetables | NA | Medium | 8 to 20 minutes | margarine. Wrap tightly in heavy duty foil. Grill | |
| turning occassionally. | |
Potatoes | Whole | Medium | 40 to 60 minutes | Wrap individually in heavy duty foil. Cook | |
| rotating occassionally. | |
| Pre heat grill for | |
Meat/Steaks | 1/2 to 3/4 inches | 4 to 15 minutes | steaks on each side for two minutes. Next | ||
grill 3 to 5 minutes on each side or until | |||||
| ||
| desired doneness. | |
| Grill turning once when juices rise to the | |
Ground Meats | 1/2 to 3/4 inches | Medium | 8 to 15 minutes | surface or until desired amount d doneness. | |
Do not leave hamburgers unattended since a | |||||
| ||
Ribs | 1/2 or full rack | Medium | 20 to 40 minutes |
Hot dogs | NA | Medium | 5 to 10 minutes |
1/4 to 1/2 pounds | Low or Medium | 20 to 40 minutes | |
| Low or | 1 to |
Poultry Whole | 2 to 3 pounds |
| Medium | 40 to 60 minutes |
Fish | 3/4 to 1 inch | Medium | 8 to 15 minutes |
Grill turning occassionally. During last few minutes brush with barbecue sauce, turn several times.
Grill turning four times.
Grill turning occassionally. During last few minutes brush with barbecue sauce if desired, turn several times.
Use poultry stand and brush frequently as desired
Use poultry stand and brush frequently as desired
Grill turning once to desired doneness. Brush with melted butter, margarine or oil.