I n t e g r a t i n g A p p l i c a t i o n C o n n e c t i v i t y M o n i t o r
5In the Add Source dialog, select "Adapter Platform" and enter the name of the Adapter Platform server that is being used (for example,
Global Manager
To receive events and topology from an underlying source, you must modify the Global Manager’s configuration file, ics.conf. You need to add or uncomment DomainType entries for all of the following:
•Availability Manager
•Adapter Platform
•ACM Domain Manager
If you are also using Performance Manager, then uncomment a DomainType entry for it.
For Application Connectivity Monitor, the Global Manager uses the following data exchange files to receive information:
Use the sm_edit utility to modify the ics.conf located in /opt/InCharge6/SAM/smarts/ics/conf or C:\InCharge6\SAM\smarts\ics\conf directory.
E x a m p l e s o f D o m a i n T y p e E n t r i e s
This section provides an example of a DomainSection in the Global Manager’s configuration file, ics.conf file. In it, there are DomainType entries for: Availability Manager, Performance Manager, Adapter Platform, and ACM Domain Manager.
DomainSection |
| |
{ |
| DomainType |
| { |
| ConfFile | = |
| MinimumCertainty = 0.24; | |
| SmoothingInterval = 65; | |
## | HookScript | = |
| Name | = |
| } |
EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide | 11 |