EMC OL-8950-01 manual Validating Your Integration, Modifying Files With the smedit Utility

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Deploying Application Connectivity Monitor

▼▲ Indicates the command must be typed as one line.

Validating Your Integration

To verify the integration of your ACM Domain Manager, perform these tasks:

Use a text editor to review the ACM Domain Manager’s log file. The log file is located on the host running the component in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/logs directory.

A common log error is “cannot access” for improper access between components.

View the EMC Smarts Broker’s registry to ensure that the components are registered. To do so, use the brcontrol command. For more information about the brcontrol command, see the EMC Smarts System Administration Guide.

Verify that the Adapter Platform was added to the ACM Domain Manager’s topology. Open the Discovery Progress dialog (Pending Elements list) from the Domain Manager Administration Console to verify that it is not listed.

Open a Global Console, and attach to the Global Manager and ACM Domain Manager to view any notifications.

Modifying Files With the sm_edit Utility

As part of the EMC Smarts deployment and configuration process, you will need to modify certain files. User modifiable files include configuration files, rule set files, templates, and files (such as seed files, and security configuration files) containing encrypted passwords. Original versions of these files are installed into appropriate subdirectories under the BASEDIR/smarts/ hierarchy. For example, on UNIX operating systems the original versions of Global Manager configuration files are installed to /opt/InCharge6/SAM/smarts/conf/ics.


EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide

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Contents Configuration Guide Application Connectivity MonitorLast Update 7/29/05 Contents Contents Creating and Configuring Application SignaturesGroups and Settings Wildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Index Contents Intended Audience PrefacePurpose PrerequisitesPreface Document OrganizationDocumentation Conventions Document OrganizationApplication Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory YourDomainApplication Connectivity Monitor Products Command Line ProgramsAdditional Resources DocumentationTe c h n i c a l S u p p o r t EMC PowerlinkTechnical Support Xii Introduction About Application Connectivity MonitorIntroduction Managing Applications with Application Connectivity MonitorDefine the Application Automated Root- Cause and Impact Analysis Application Signature Configuration InterfaceDiscover the Software Infrastructure Application Signatures Monitoring ActionsDeploying Application Connectivity Monitor Planning the DeploymentSupported Product Versions and Requirements Installing the SoftwarePrivileges Requirement Firewall Deployment ConsiderationsC e n s e R e m i n d e r License ReminderIntegrating Application Connectivity Monitor Availability Manager Adapter PlatformA m p l e o f D o m a i n T y p e E n t r i e s = INCHARGE-AMACM Domain Manager Global Manager A m p l e s o f D o m a i n T y p e E n t r i e sC o n f i g u r i n g t h e G l o b a l M a n a g e r INCHARGE-PMStarting and Stopping the Components Manually Summary of EMC Smarts Service NamesFault P a r a m e t e r s f o r S e r v i c e s Validating Your Integration Modifying Files With the smedit Utility# /opt/InCharge6/SAM/smarts/bin/smedit conf/ics/ics.conf Deploying Application Connectivity Monitor Creating and Configuring Application Signatures Using the Application Signature Configuration InterfaceCreating and Configuring Application Signatures Application Signature TabCreating Application Signatures Application Signature Fields Used By EMC Smarts Software on page 43 for Port Number 25 for Smtp Request No Value Response No Value Modifying Application Signatures Deleting Application SignaturesSpecifying Monitoring Action Parameters Monitoring Action DialogSpecifying System Name Patterns E c i f y i n g S y s t e m N a m e P a t t e r n sUse All Systems Matched by Pattern Customize System Match PatternsE S t a n d a r d D i s c o v e r y P r o b e Standard Discovery ProbeUse Only Selected Systems Standard tcpAction Page Scenarios for Removing Elements Groups and Settings Default Threshold Groups and SettingsThreshold Settings Threshold GroupsFault T h r e s h o l d G r o u p s a n d S e t t i n g s Parameters for Software Service ThresholdsPolling Groups Default Polling Groups and SettingsPolling Settings Wo r k i n g Wi t h G r o u p s a n d S e t t i n g s Working With Groups and SettingsOpening the Polling and Thresholds Console Layout of the Polling and Thresholds Console Provides an example of a Polling and Thresholds ConsolePolling and Thresholds Console Toolbar Buttons Polling and Thresholds Console Toolbar ButtonsHow Managed Elements Are Assigned to Groups Modifying the Properties of a GroupMethod for Editing Matching Criteria Method for Adding or Removing SettingsMethod for Modifying the Priority of Groups D i n g o r R e m o v i n g a S e t t i n gMethod for Modifying the Parameters of a Setting D i n g o r R e m o v i n g M a t c h i n g C r i t e r i aCreating New Groups Groups and Settings P y i n g a n E x i s t i n g G r o u p E a t i n g a n E m p t y G r o u pWildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Server-.smarts.com Compound Wildcard Patterns Example 1-100&*02468 matches even numbers between 1Wildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Index Index Page Index