EMC OL-8950-01 manual Document Organization, Documentation Conventions, Preface

Page 8


Document Organization

This guide consists of the following chapters.

Table 1: Document Organization








Provides an overview of the important features of



Application Connectivity Monitor that should be









Discusses how to deploy Application Connectivity















Details how to create and configure application















Details the use of groups and settings with Application



Connectivity Monitor.




Details the use of wildcards with EMC Smarts software.










Documentation Conventions

Several conventions may be used in this document as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Documentation Conventions





sample code

Indicates code fragments and examples in Courier font




Indicates commands, keywords, literals, and operators in bold




Indicates C shell prompt




Indicates C shell superuser prompt




Indicates a user-supplied value or a list of non-terminal items in


angle brackets




Indicates optional terms in brackets




EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide

Image 8
Contents Configuration Guide Application Connectivity MonitorLast Update 7/29/05 Contents Contents Creating and Configuring Application SignaturesGroups and Settings Wildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Index Contents Preface PurposeIntended Audience PrerequisitesDocument Organization Documentation ConventionsPreface Document OrganizationApplication Connectivity Monitor Installation Directory YourDomainCommand Line Programs Additional ResourcesApplication Connectivity Monitor Products DocumentationTe c h n i c a l S u p p o r t EMC PowerlinkTechnical Support Xii Introduction About Application Connectivity MonitorIntroduction Managing Applications with Application Connectivity MonitorDefine the Application Automated Root- Cause and Impact Analysis Application Signature Configuration InterfaceDiscover the Software Infrastructure Application Signatures Monitoring ActionsDeploying Application Connectivity Monitor Planning the DeploymentInstalling the Software Privileges RequirementSupported Product Versions and Requirements Firewall Deployment ConsiderationsC e n s e R e m i n d e r License ReminderIntegrating Application Connectivity Monitor Availability Manager Adapter PlatformA m p l e o f D o m a i n T y p e E n t r i e s = INCHARGE-AMACM Domain Manager Global Manager A m p l e s o f D o m a i n T y p e E n t r i e sC o n f i g u r i n g t h e G l o b a l M a n a g e r INCHARGE-PMStarting and Stopping the Components Manually Summary of EMC Smarts Service NamesFault P a r a m e t e r s f o r S e r v i c e s Validating Your Integration Modifying Files With the smedit Utility# /opt/InCharge6/SAM/smarts/bin/smedit conf/ics/ics.conf Deploying Application Connectivity Monitor Creating and Configuring Application Signatures Using the Application Signature Configuration InterfaceCreating and Configuring Application Signatures Application Signature TabCreating Application Signatures Application Signature Fields Used By EMC Smarts Software on page 43 for Port Number 25 for Smtp Request No Value Response No Value Modifying Application Signatures Deleting Application SignaturesSpecifying Monitoring Action Parameters Monitoring Action DialogSpecifying System Name Patterns E c i f y i n g S y s t e m N a m e P a t t e r n sUse All Systems Matched by Pattern Customize System Match PatternsE S t a n d a r d D i s c o v e r y P r o b e Standard Discovery ProbeUse Only Selected Systems Standard tcpAction Page Scenarios for Removing Elements Groups and Settings Default Threshold Groups and SettingsThreshold Settings Threshold GroupsFault T h r e s h o l d G r o u p s a n d S e t t i n g s Parameters for Software Service ThresholdsPolling Groups Default Polling Groups and SettingsPolling Settings Wo r k i n g Wi t h G r o u p s a n d S e t t i n g s Working With Groups and SettingsOpening the Polling and Thresholds Console Layout of the Polling and Thresholds Console Provides an example of a Polling and Thresholds ConsolePolling and Thresholds Console Toolbar Buttons Polling and Thresholds Console Toolbar ButtonsHow Managed Elements Are Assigned to Groups Modifying the Properties of a GroupMethod for Adding or Removing Settings Method for Modifying the Priority of GroupsMethod for Editing Matching Criteria D i n g o r R e m o v i n g a S e t t i n gMethod for Modifying the Parameters of a Setting D i n g o r R e m o v i n g M a t c h i n g C r i t e r i aCreating New Groups Groups and Settings P y i n g a n E x i s t i n g G r o u p E a t i n g a n E m p t y G r o u pWildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Server-.smarts.com Compound Wildcard Patterns Example 1-100&*02468 matches even numbers between 1Wildcards Used By EMC Smarts Software Index Index Page Index