Graco PD135573A, 1769606 owner manual Troubleshooting

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Possible Cause Solution

When using after a bath: Measured tempera- ture is too high 109.3˚F (42.9˚C),

When using after a bath: If reading is lower than 89.6˚F (32.0˚C)

The thermometer needs to be reset or the battery should be replaced.

Take a new reading and wait for the beep before removing the thermometer.

Take a new reading and wait for the beep before removing the thermometer.

Reset the thermometer by removing and reinstalling the same battery; replace the battery with a new one; call customer service.

Unstable temperature reading.

When the low battery symbol () appears on the LCD,

Take a new measurement while holding the thermometer in a stable position.

Replace old battery with a new one immediately.

Image 18
Contents Digital Thermometer with Lighted Display ‡WARNING7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWD WR\ FDVHRUHOHFWULFDOSDUWV‡DO not Open For Safe Battery USE WLPH\SH DQGFDXVHGDPDJH SURGXFWFHDVHVWRRSHUDWH VDWLVIDFWRULO\UHVLGHQWLDOLQVWDOODWLRQ PDQXIDFWXUHUPD\YRLGXVHU¶V1277KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQ DQGLIQRWLQVWDOOHGDQGXVHGLQDQWHQQD LQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVH XQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQIntroduction PowerWhen using after a bath Button Battery Installation How to use InstructionsFor First Time Use To select your preferred mode For Oral Measurement For Axillary Underarm Measurement For Rectal Measurement Stand by Icon Using the Memory function Memory FunctionCare and Cleaning Troubleshooting Technical Specifications WKHIROORZLQJ UDFR&KLOGUHQ¶V3URGXFWV RXWVLGHWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFDManual DEL Propietario Page No Abra EL Termómetro Para UN USO Seguro DE LA Pila Page UHVLGHQFLDO VWHHTXLSRJHQHUDXVD\SXHGH DVPRGL¿FDFLRQHVQRDXWRULDGDVGLVSRVLWLYR VLQRVHORLQVWDOD\XVDGHDFXHUGRLQFOX\HQGRLQWHUIHUHQFLDTXH FRQHFWDGRHOUHFHSWRU ‡&RQVXOWHDOYHQGHGRURDXQFRQGLFLRQHVVLJXLHQWHV QRGHVHDGRIntroducción Marcador que indica Una inserción ExcesivaCuando lo usa después de bañarse Instalación DE LAS Pilas Instrucciones Para el uso por primera vezCómo usarlo Para seleccionar su modo preferido Para lograr una medición oral Para lograr una medición en la axila debajo del brazo Para lograr una medición en el recto Icono de espera Función DE LA Memoria Cuidado Y Limpieza Solución DE Desperfectos Especificaciones Técnicas 3DUDFRPSUDUSLHDVRDFFHVRULRV 8QLGRVSRUIDYRUGHVGHGHQWURGHORV88