Graco 1769606, PD135573A owner manual Care and Cleaning

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1.The thermometer is a delicate electronic device. Although the probe can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol, the body of the thermometer should never be submerged in water or any other liquid.

2.Clean the probe with a cotton swab moistened with isopropyl alcohol after every measurement and before each use. Clean the body of the thermometer with a soft dry cloth. Never use an abrasive.

3.Avoid touching the probe with your fingers.

4.Do not expose the thermometer to

direct sunlight.

5.Do not disassemble the thermometer.

6.Use only a CR1225 3-volt lithium battery.

This thermometer is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it. Keep out of reach of children when not in use.

Image 17
Contents Digital Thermometer with Lighted Display FDVHRUHOHFWULFDOSDUWV ‡WARNING7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWD WR\‡DO not Open \SH For Safe Battery USEWLPH SURGXFWFHDVHVWRRSHUDWH VDWLVIDFWRULO\ DQGFDXVHGDPDJH1277KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQ PDQXIDFWXUHUPD\YRLGXVHU¶VUHVLGHQWLDOLQVWDOODWLRQ DQGLIQRWLQVWDOOHGDQGXVHGLQLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVH XQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQ DQWHQQDWhen using after a bath PowerIntroduction Button Battery Installation For First Time Use How to useInstructions To select your preferred mode For Oral Measurement For Axillary Underarm Measurement For Rectal Measurement Stand by Icon Memory Function Using the Memory functionCare and Cleaning Troubleshooting Technical Specifications RXWVLGHWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFD WKHIROORZLQJ UDFR&KLOGUHQ¶V3URGXFWVManual DEL Propietario Page No Abra EL Termómetro Para UN USO Seguro DE LA Pila Page GLVSRVLWLYR DVPRGL¿FDFLRQHVQRDXWRULDGDVUHVLGHQFLDO VWHHTXLSRJHQHUDXVD\SXHGH VLQRVHORLQVWDOD\XVDGHDFXHUGRFRQGLFLRQHVVLJXLHQWHV FRQHFWDGRHOUHFHSWRU ‡&RQVXOWHDOYHQGHGRURDXQLQFOX\HQGRLQWHUIHUHQFLDTXH QRGHVHDGRCuando lo usa después de bañarse IntroducciónMarcador que indica Una inserción Excesiva Instalación DE LAS Pilas Cómo usarlo InstruccionesPara el uso por primera vez Para seleccionar su modo preferido Para lograr una medición oral Para lograr una medición en la axila debajo del brazo Para lograr una medición en el recto Icono de espera Función DE LA Memoria Cuidado Y Limpieza Solución DE Desperfectos Especificaciones Técnicas GHVGHGHQWURGHORV88 3DUDFRPSUDUSLHDVRDFFHVRULRV8QLGRVSRUIDYRU