Graco 1769606, PD135573A owner manual Battery Installation

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If temperature is higher than 99.5˚C (37.5˚C ), you will hear 10 beeps and the LCD will flash, letting the user know that a fever has been detected.

Wait 30 minutes after physical exercise, bathing, eating, or drinking before taking a temperature reading.

Do not expose the thermometer to extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, dust, or electricity.


The thermometer includes one CR1225

3-volt lithium battery already installed. The approximate life of this battery is 3 years. When the low battery symbol () appears on the LCD, follow these instructions for changing the battery.

1.Use a coin to open battery cover from the back of the thermometer 1 - 2 .

2.Remove the battery using a non-metallic tool and discard immediately 3 .

3.Install a new CR1225 3-volt lithium battery with the positive side (+) facing up 4 .

4.Replace the battery cover 5 .






Image 9
Contents Digital Thermometer with Lighted Display FDVHRUHOHFWULFDOSDUWV ‡WARNING7KLVSURGXFWLVQRWD WR\‡DO not Open For Safe Battery USE WLPH\SH SURGXFWFHDVHVWRRSHUDWH VDWLVIDFWRULO\ DQGFDXVHGDPDJH1277KLVHTXLSPHQWKDVEHHQ PDQXIDFWXUHUPD\YRLGXVHU¶VUHVLGHQWLDOLQVWDOODWLRQ DQGLIQRWLQVWDOOHGDQGXVHGLQLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVH XQGHVLUHGRSHUDWLRQ DQWHQQDWhen using after a bath PowerIntroduction Button Battery Installation How to use InstructionsFor First Time Use To select your preferred mode For Oral Measurement For Axillary Underarm Measurement For Rectal Measurement Stand by Icon Memory Function Using the Memory functionCare and Cleaning Troubleshooting Technical Specifications RXWVLGHWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVRI$PHULFD WKHIROORZLQJ UDFR&KLOGUHQ¶V3URGXFWVManual DEL Propietario Page No Abra EL Termómetro Para UN USO Seguro DE LA Pila Page GLVSRVLWLYR DVPRGL¿FDFLRQHVQRDXWRULDGDVUHVLGHQFLDO VWHHTXLSRJHQHUDXVD\SXHGH VLQRVHORLQVWDOD\XVDGHDFXHUGRFRQGLFLRQHVVLJXLHQWHV FRQHFWDGRHOUHFHSWRU ‡&RQVXOWHDOYHQGHGRURDXQLQFOX\HQGRLQWHUIHUHQFLDTXH QRGHVHDGRIntroducción Marcador que indica Una inserción ExcesivaCuando lo usa después de bañarse Instalación DE LAS Pilas Instrucciones Para el uso por primera vezCómo usarlo Para seleccionar su modo preferido Para lograr una medición oral Para lograr una medición en la axila debajo del brazo Para lograr una medición en el recto Icono de espera Función DE LA Memoria Cuidado Y Limpieza Solución DE Desperfectos Especificaciones Técnicas 3DUDFRPSUDUSLHDVRDFFHVRULRV 8QLGRVSRUIDYRUGHVGHGHQWURGHORV88