National Geographic 277 NE manual Cleaning, Disposal of the device environment, Snooze alarm

Page 5

277 NE

4.5Snooze alarm

Slide the Alarm switch

to position ‘SNOOZE’,Zz ‘will be displayed. The snooze


function is on.


Once the alarm starts ringing (maximum 1 minute), press the Snooze/Light button .

The alarm will stop for 5 minutes and it will start ringing again.

To completely stop the alarm, slide the Alarm switch to the ‘ALM OFF’ position.

4.612 Hour / 24Hour international time format

Press the 12 hour / 24 hour button to select the desired format.

In 12 hour format, ‘PM’ will be displayed in the afternoon.

4.7Temperature unit (°C / °F)

Press the °C/°F button to select the desired temperature unit.


Clean the scale with a slightly damp cloth or with an anti-static cloth. Never use cleaning agents or abrasive solvents.

6Disposal of the device (environment)

At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not throw this product into the normal household garbage but bring the product to a collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipments. The symbol on the product,

user guide and/or box indicate this.

Some of the product materials can be re-used if you bring them to a recycling point. By re-using some parts or raw materials from used products you make an important contribution to the protection of the environment. Please contact your local authorities

in case you need more information on the collection points in your area. Batteries must be removed before disposing of the device.

Dispose of the batteries in an environmental manner according to your country regulations.

Image 5 National Geographic 277 NE manual Cleaning, Disposal of the device environment, Snooze alarm, Temperature unit C / F
Contents 277NE Page Description Safety adviceOperation InstallationSnooze alarm CleaningTemperature unit C / F Disposal of the device environmentWarranty Technical specificationsWarranty period Warranty handlingBeschrijving VeiligheidsadviesWerking InstallatieReinigen SluimeralarmAfvoeren van het toestel milieu 12-uurs / 24-uurs internationaal tijdformaatGarantie Technische specificatiesGarantieperiode Afwikkeling van garantieclaimsConseils de sécurité Utilisation Pour régler lalarmeEcran rétroéclairé Pour régler le calendrierNettoyage Reporter lalarmeMise au rebut de lappareil environnement Format horaire international 12 heures / 24 heuresPériode de garantie Caractéristiques techniquesMise en œuvre de la garantie Exclusions de garantieBeschreibung SicherheitshinweiseBetrieb So stellen Sie den Alarm einHintergrundbeleuchtung des Displays So stellen Sie den Kalender einTemperatureinheit C oder F SchlummeralarmReinigung Entsorgung des Produkts UmweltschutzGarantiezeit Technische DatenAbwicklung des Garantiefalls GarantieausschlüsseDescripción Advertencia de seguridadFuncionamiento InstalaciónLimpieza Alarma «Zzz...»Eliminación del dispositivo medio ambiente Formato horario internacional 12 horas / 24 horasGarantía Especificaciones técnicasPeríodo de garantía Tratamiento de la garantíaBeskrivning SäkerhetsföreskrifterVisa bakgrundsbelysningen AnvändningAtt ställa in datum Att ställa in tidenTekniska specifikationer RengöringAvyttring av enheten miljö Garantiperiod GarantiGarantiåtagande GarantiundantagBeskrivelse SikkerhedsanvisningerBetjening Temperaturenhed C / F 12 timer / 24 timer internationalt tidsformatRengøring Bortskaffelse af enheden miljøUndtagelser fra reklamationsretten ReklamationsretHåndtering af fejlbehæftede enheder Sikkerhetsinstruksjoner Stille alarmen InstallasjonDisplaybelysning Stille kalenderenTekniske spesifikasjoner RengjøringKassering miljøvern Unntak fra garantien GarantiperiodeGarantibestemmelser Descrizione Consigli di sicurezzaFunzionamento InstallazioneSmaltimento del dispositivo ambiente PuliziaSveglia snooze Formato ora internazionale 12 ore / 24 oreGaranzia Specifiche tecnichePeriodo di garanzia Utilizzo della garanziaDescrição Avisos de segurançaOperação InstalaçãoLimpeza Interromper alarme SnoozeEliminação do dispositivo ambiente Unidades de temperatura C / FGarantia Especificações técnicasPeríodo de garantia Modo de funcionamento da garantiaPopis Informace týkající se bezpeostiPoužívání InstalaceLikvidace pístroje ekologická IštOdložení buzení 12hodinový/24hodinový formátZáruka Technické údajeZáru doba Uplatn zárukySnooze Lock ALM on CALENDAR’ ‘LOCK’ Time SET’ ALM SET’ Zz ‘ 277 NE 0C ~ 40C +/- 2C -10C ~ 60C AAA AA/ AAA Leírás Biztonsági tanácsokHasználat Üzembe helyezésKészülék hulladékként történzése Környezetvédelem TisztításÉbresztés szundival 12 vagy 24 órás nemzetközi idGarancia id GaranciaGaranciaeljárás Garanciából való kizárásOpis Porady dotyczObsga InstalacjaUtylizacja urz CzyszczenieFunkcja drzemki Snooze Midzynarodowy format czasu 12 / 24 godzinyGwarancja Specyfikacje techniczneOkres gwarancji ObsiBezpeostné pokyny Obsluha InštaláciaLikvidácia zariadenia ochrana životného prostredia IstenieOdložik 12 Hodinový / 24Hodinový medzinárodný asový formátVýnimky zo záruky ZárubaUplatnenie a plnenie záruky Page MD13700221