Testing Tips to Ensure Accuracy
If you have a test result that falls outside of your target range and you cannot link it to diet, exercise, medication, or stress, repeat
the test. If the result is similar and still outside of your range, try these troubleshooting steps:
Before Testing:
■Wash your hands.
■Use a new, sterile lancet.
■Check the expiration date on the test strip package. If it has passed, discard the unused test strips and open a new package. When using test strips from a bottle, discard any remaining test strips 4 months after first opening.
■Make sure the confirmation dot on the unused test strip is not darker than the color of an unused test strip shown on the Color Chart.
■Make sure the code on the meter matches the code on the test strip package.
■Do a test with SURESTEP® Glucose Control Solution to verify that the test strip and meter are working properly.
■Make sure the meter test strip holder, lens area, and contact points are clean. Follow instructions on pages
After Testing:
■Make sure you applied enough blood to the test strip by inspecting