1.1 Overview
Resolution and bandwidths
The BARCO MGD 221 is a high resolution, greyscale portrait display. Its outstanding visual performance, combining a 2 MegaPixel resolution with a high brightness, makes it ideal for medical imaging and many other medical and scientific applications.
The MGD 221 is compatible with any AC power system worldwide and automatically synchronizes to a wide range of sync frequencies. Its
The memory system
The internal memory system can contain the adjustments for 8 different scanning formats, the
Image conformity and consistency
Image conformity and consistency are the keywords. In our factory, the MGD 221 displays are perfectly adjusted and calibrated before they are shipped to the customer. Internal circuits, like the TrueGrey® and Automatic White Stability (AWS) systems, ensure display consistency over time.
Conformity with the original image quality is guaranteed by the automatic calibration, which can be done by means of an optical sensor, connected to the Sensor connector on the display. The sensor is not supplied with the display.
Calibration and adjustments
The conformity calibration, as well as the complete adjustment of the display, can be performed by means of the remote,
Introduction 9