Invacare SAFETY/HANDLING Wheelchairs, Stability and Balance, Coping With Everyday Obstacles

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“Safety and Handling” of the wheelchair requires the close attentionofthewheelchairuseraswellastheassistant.This manual points out the most common procedures and tech- niques involved in the safe operation and maintenance of the wheelchair. It is important to practice and master these safe techniques until you are comfortable in maneuvering around the frequently encountered architectural barriers.

Use this information only as a “basic” guide. The techniques that are discussed on the following pages have been used successfully by many.

Individual wheelchair users often develop skills to deal with daily living activities that may differ from those described in this manual. Invacare recognizes and encourages each in- dividual to try what works best for him/her in overcoming architectural obstacles that they may encounter, however, ALL WARNINGS and CAUTIONS given in this manual MUST be followed. Techniques in this manual are a start- ing point for the new wheelchair user and assistant with “safety” as the most important consideration for all.

Stability and Balance


ALWAYS wear your seat positioning strap.

To assure stability and proper operation of your wheelchair, you must at all times maintain proper balance. Your wheel- chairhasbeendesignedtoremainuprightandstableduring normal daily activities as long as you do not move beyond the center of gravity. DO NOT lean forward out of the wheel- chair any further than the length of the armrests.

Coping With Everyday Obstacles

Copingwiththeirritationofeverydayobstaclescanbeallevi- ated somewhat by learning how to manage your wheel- chair.Keepinmindyourcenterofgravitytomaintainstability and balance.

A Note to Wheelchair Assistants

Whenassistancetothewheelchairuserisrequired,remem- ber to use good body mechanics. Keep your back straight andbendyourkneeswhenevertilting wheelchairortravers- ing curbs, or other impediments.

When learning a new assistance technique, have an expe- rienced assistant help you before attempting it alone.

Tilting - RWD Wheelchairs Only


DO NOT tilt the wheelchair without assistance.

When tilting the wheelchair, an assistant should grasp the back of the wheelchair on a non-removable (non-detach- able) part. Inform the wheelchair occupant before tilting the wheelchair and remind him/her to lean back. Be sure the occupant’s feet and hands are clear of all wheels.


Aftermasteringthetechniquesoftiltingthewheelchair,use this procedure to tackle curbs, short stairs, etc.

This procedure requires two (2) assistants. The second assistant should be positioned at the front of the wheel- chair lifting upward on a non-removable (non-detachable) part of the wheelchair frame when lifting the wheelchair and stabilizing the wheelchair when the wheelchair is be- ing lowered to the ground.

Thefirstassistantshouldturntheanti-tipperssothewheels are pointing up, apply a continuous downward motion until the balance point is achieved and the front casters clear the curb. At this point, the assistants will feel a difference in the weight distribution.


Do not let the wheelchair drop the last few inches to the ground. This could result in injury to the occupant.

RollthewheelchairforwardandSLOWLY lowerthewheel- chair in one continuous movement. Push the wheelchair forward until the rear wheels roll up and over the curb.


Make sure anti-tipper wheels are pointing down towardstheground/floorBEFOREusingthewheel- chair.

Turn the anti-tipper wheels down towards the ground/floor.


DO NOT attempt to lift the wheelchair by any re- movable (detachable) parts. Lifting by means of anyremovable(detachable)partsofawheelchair may result in injury to the user or damage to the wheelchair.

Also, be aware of detachable parts such as arms or leg- rests. These must NEVER be used for hand-hold or lifting supports,astheymaybeinadvertentlyreleased,resultingin possible injury to the user and/or assistant(s).



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Contents Excel Understanding this MANUAL. if YOU are Unable to R N I N GTable of Contents Specification S SpecificationsPower Procedure Repair or Service InformationGeneral Guidelines ElectricalSAFETY/HANDLING Wheelchairs Stability and BalanceCoping With Everyday Obstacles Tilting RWD Wheelchairs OnlyTransferring to and From Other Seats Percentage of Weight DistributionStairways Shows the motor mounting positions Functional Reach From a WheelchairReaching, Leaning, Bending and Bending Forward Reaching, Bending BackwardProcedure Safety INSPECTION/TROUBLESHOOTING Safety Inspection ChecklistTroubleshooting Mechanical Procedure 2SAFETY INSPECTION/TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting ElectricalChecking Battery Charge Level Using Hydrometer to Check Battery Cells Lead Acid Figure Number of Floating Balls Will Vary According to ChargeINSTALLING/REMOVING Footrests Figure Adjusting Footrest HeightProcedure Front Riggings O N T I N G SRaising/Lowering Elevating Legrests INSTALLING/REMOVING Elevating Legrests FigureAdjusting Calfpads Adjusting Captains Seat Armrests Figure Procedure ArmsReplacing Seat Positioning Strap FigureReplacing Seat Upholstery Figure UPHOLSTERY/POSITIONING StrapMkiv Joystick MountingTube Adjustment Lock Repositioning Mkiv JoystickPreparing Mkiv Joystick for USE Figure C T R O N I C SReplacing Battery BOX Retaining Strap Retaining StrapT a I N I N G R a P RWD Wheelchairs FigureAdjusting Forks Figure S T E R SRemove the dust cover from the caster headtube Dust Cover Locknut Nylon Washer Caster Headtube ForkBatteries T T E R I E SConnecting Battery Cables Dual U1 or Dual Group 22 Battery BoxesBattery Cable Direct Mount MethodPositive + Battery Terminal/Post Battery Orange Battery Terminal Cap+ Battery BatteryBattery Clamp Battery Cable RED Battery Clamp Cover Positive + Battery T E R I E STransporting Excel E E L C H a I R SSeat Rails Unfolding/Folding Integrated Sling Seats FigureAdjusting FWD WheelchairsSecurely tighten with the locknut Push Pins Support in this procedure of the manualFlip Up Locknut Insert the rear socket bolt through the wheelchairREMOVING/INSTALLING Captains Seat Figure Limit SwitchArmrest Captains Joystick Seat MountingREMOVING/INSTALLING Shrouds Figure When to Charge Batteries Figure Installing Side Shrouds and FillersBattery Discharge Indicator BDI Description and Use of Battery ChargersCharging Batteries Figure A I R SBattery Charger Three Pronged Plug Front View From Battery Charger Port Joystick Battery BoxesRecommended Battery Types Cleaning Battery TerminalsINSTALLING/REMOVING Battery Boxes Figure Battery TrayFolding Battery Tray for Transport Figure Unfolding Battery Tray for Use FigureENGAGING/DISENGAGING Clutches Figures 15 Outside of Wheelchair Front of WheelchairUnfolding/Folding the Wheelchair Transporting Power 9000 FigureA I R RWD Wheelchairs Battery Charger Connector on Side of Wheelchair From Battery H a I R SClutches Figures 6 Battery Tray FigureENGAGING/DISENGAGING Using Wheel Locks Figure TabTowards rear WheelsMended psi on the side wall of tire Tighten the wheel lock to the wheelchair frameMotor Set Screw ExtensionHandle Rubber Tip If Equipped Page T E S Limited Warranty WarrantyRev D 1 5/00