Water Treatment
•The Delta Cooling Towers are manufactured from
•Follow appropriate water treatment practices as required and take frequent sample tests to avoid possible water contamination. We also recommend water treatment maintenance as a measure of protection of the environment in the vicinity of any cooling tower or other equipment open to atmosphere.
•To determine the appropriate water treatment practices for your particular application, it is suggested that you contact a water treatment firm for their recommendation. A list of water treatment firms is available for your reference. It is not necessarily complete nor do we recommend a specific firm. The list will be mailed to you on request or consult your local yellow pages.
•A bleed line can be connected in any part of the system for routing to the sewer. Normally, it is most desirable to make this connection in the hot water line at the cooling tower. A petcock type valve, installed in the bleed line is recommended. Normally,
General Information
When handling, lifting, installing or operating the cooling tower, always employ safe work procedures, according to best practices of the trade and according to applicable construction, electrical and safety standards, regulations and codes.
Follow all safety practices described in these instructions.
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