The Different Types of Objectives
To meet the various requirements regarding imaging properties, there is a choice of high- quality interchangeable planachromatic and planapochromatic objectives and also lower- priced interchangeable achromatic objectives.
★★ Achromatic objectives are particularly suited for specimens with
★★ With planapochromatic objectives, the finest structures are visible with high contrast. The sophisticated apochromatic correction allows these objectives to attain the highest color brilliance and fidelity.
Achromatic objectives
The 0.32×, 0.5×, 0.63×, 0.8×, 1×, 1.5×, 2× achromatic objectives offer countless variants for selecting the object field diameter, magnifi- cation ranges and working distances (see page 54).
Planachromatic objective 1×
For the highest requirements for overall image quality, we recommend equipping the micro- scope with the 1× plan
Achromatic objectives with a long focal length
For special applications, achromatic objectives with long working distances and focal lengths of f=100 mm to 400 mm are available.
Leica M series | User Manual | 46 |