Multi-Tech Systems iCell GPRS (MTSMC-G2-IP manual #SENDMAILi Send Mail without Interactive Mode

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Part 1 – AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices

Chapter 2 – SMTP AT Commands

#SENDMAILi – Send Mail without Interactive Mode

Important Note: MT5692SMI-IP supports only SENDMAIL1 options.

Description: This command sends one of the 3 pre-defined email combinations. Once an IP link is established, the attached host can direct the TCP/IP stack to send an email message at any time (except when the TCP/IP stack software is already in a process using TCP resources).

The header of this email is built using the REC1/2/3, CCREC1/2/3 and SUBJ1/2/3 parameters while the body is filled in the BODY1/2/3 parameter.

This command is similar to a “send email” operation issued by a standard messaging client on a PC.





Note: In #SENDMAILi, the i is to be replaced with #SENDMAIL1, #SENDMAIL2, or






Possible Responses





Note: Send predefined

Note: Mail 1 has been successfully sent


mail #1






Note: Send predefined

Note: Mail 2 has been successfully sent


mail #2






Note: Send predefined

Note: Mail 3 has been successfully sent


mail #3




#CME ERROR: 38027



Notes: The address of the SMTP server has not been resolved by the



secondary DNS server.



TCP/IP stack is not able to reach the primary or secondary DNS



servers or a wrong SMTP server address has been entered.



#CME ERROR: <value>



Notes: An error has occurred during the communication with the remote



SMTP server. It may also happen during the data transfer (after the



OK message).



This error can be due to one of the following reasons:



- The DNS servers are not able to resolve the SMTP server






- The SMTP server is temporarily out of service



- The authentication (SMTPUN, SMTPPW) is not valid



- Email address specified in REC1 or CCREC1 is not valid



See section ‘Response messages and error codes’.

To view parameters, use #VMAIL and #VSMTP. They are also listed in #VMAILi (where i = 1, 2, or 3)

Universal IP AT Commands Reference Guide (Document S000457K)


Image 23
Contents Universal IP Copyright Product Number of This Document S000457K, Version KContents Display Command Ping AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices Set Commands #VTELNET View Telnet Settings Incoming Call Management Commands 106 103104 105Part AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices Identification Set CommandsAT Command Mode Turn Echo ON/OFFDTR Option Default ConfigurationReset Factory Defaults Rlsd DCD Option Turn On or Off+ICF DTE-DCE Character Framing Store Factory Defaults to NVMDisplay +IFC Set Flow Control+IPR Set Serial Speed #DELFLASH Erase Flash Memory Parameter Values#SHIELDCHAR Configure the Shielding Character for Dlemode #LEGACYMODE Legacy Mode Enable/Disable#RESET Reset Main Processor or Internal Modem AT#VSHOWSERIAL Display Commands#ESCAPECHAR Configure the Escape Character for Dlemode AT#ESCAPECHAR=parameter1AT#VSHOWUPTIMES #VVERSION Display Software Version#VSTATE Display Current State of Physical Connection AT#VSHOWUPTIMESyntax AT#VALL Possible Responses MT100SEM-IP #VALL Display All ParametersPossible Responses Applies to All Except MT100SEM-IP Syntax AT#VALL#CCRECi Set Additional Recipient CC Smtp AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices#SENDERNAME Set Sender Name #SENDERADDR Set Sender Address Syntax AT#DOMAIN=value #DOMAIN Set Domain Name of the Sender #RECiADD Set Email Address #SUBJi Set Email Pre-Defined Subject TextSyntax AT#SMTPPORT=value Syntax AT#SMTPNETWORKTIMER=parameter1#BODYi Set Pre-Defined Email Combinations #SMTPPORT Set Smtp Server Port#SMTPUN Set Smtp User Name #SMTPPW Set Smtp Password#SMTPSERV Set Smtp Server Address #SENDMAIL3 #SENDMAILi Send Mail without Interactive ModeAT#SENDMAILi Syntax AT#PUTMAIL #PUTMAIL Send Mail to Recipient with Interactive ModeCommand Possible Responses OFF #SMTPAUTH Authentication on or OFF#VSMTP Display Smtp Parameters #VMAILi Display Email Parameters for Respective Mail ID#POP3PORT Set POP3 Server Port POP3 AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices#POP3PW Set POP3 Password #POP3HEADERMODE POP3 Header#VPOP3 POP3 Module Parameters Display Command#POP3UN Set POP3 User Name #GETMAIL Retrieve Host Mail#FTPTYPE Specify Data Type FTP AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices#FTPMODE Enter FTP Mode #FTPPORT Enter FTP Server Port#FTPGETFILENAME Set FTP Download File Name #FTPPW Set FTP Password#FTPSERV Specify FTP Server Address #FTPUN Set FTP User NameAT#FTPPUT #FTPGET Download Files from FTP Server#FTPPUT Upload Files to FTP Server AT#FTPGET#FTPAPPEND Append Data to Server #FTPGETPATH Set Path to Get a File from FTP Server#FTPPUTPATH Set Path to Send Files to FTP Server Syntax AT#VFTP Values Ftpserv #VFTP Display FTP Parameters#PERSISTENTSOCKET Persistent Socket TCP AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices#DLEMODE Set DLE Mode Defaults 0,1AT#TCPPORT=id,TCP Port number for remote peer value #TCPTXDELAY Time Delay#TCPPORT Set TCP Port for Remote Peer #TCPSERV Set Address of Remote TCP ServerParameter #TCPPACKETMIN TCP Client Transmit Packet Minimum Size#TCPPACKETMAX TCP Client Transmit Packet Maximum Size AT#TCPPACKETMIN=parameter1, parameter2AT#TCPNETWORKTIMER=parameter1, parameter2 #TCPINACTIVITYTIMER TCP Client Inactivity Timeout ValueAT#TCPINACTIVITYTIMER=parameter1, parameter2 AT#TCPTELNETPW=parameter1, parameter2 #TCPTELNETMODE Enable/Disable TCP Client Telnet ProtocolLine feed character not just any key AT#TCPTELNETMODE=parameter1, parameter2Syntax AT#LTCPSTART=id #LTCPSTART Open Listening Mode#TCPTELNETUN Set the TCP Client Telnet Protocol User Name AT#TCPTELNETUN=parameter1, parameter2Dlemode Value Notes #LTCPSTOP Close TCP Listening Mode#OUTPORT UDP/TCP Local Port Number #OTCP Open a TCP ConnectionAT#VTCP=id or AT#VTCP Example Command Possible ResponsesTcptxdelay 2 #VTCP Display TCP ParametersResult Codes UDP AT Commands for All Universal IP DevicesDefaults Example #UDPPACKETMIN UDP Client Transmit Packet Minimum Size#UDPPACKETMAX UDP Client Transmit Packet Maximum Size #UDPINACTIVITYTIMER UDP Client Inactivity Timeout ValueAT#UDPINACTIVITYTIMER=parameter1 Command Examples#UDPPORT UDP Port Number Default Responses#UDPIGNORESRCPORT Ignore Send Source Port #UDPREMOTEPORT Remote Port Number#UDPSERV UDP Server Address #UDPTXDELAY Delay before Sending UDP DatagramSyntax AT#UDPTXDELAY=Value Default ValueAT#UDPDLEMODE=parameter1 #UDPDLEMODE Set DLE Mode#LUDPSTART Initiate the UDP Session in Listen Mode Udpsesrv UdptxdelaySyntax AT#VUDP #LUDPSTOP Close UDP Listening Mode#OUDP Initiate UDP Session in Active Mode #VUDP Display UDP Module Configuration#PINGREMOTE IP Address of Ping Request Ping AT Commands for All Universal IP Devices#PINGDELAY Ping Delay Time #PINGNUM Number of Ping RequestsValues Displayed Pingnum Pingremote Pingenable Pingdelay#VPING Display Ping Parameters Syntax AT#VPINGPart AT Commands for SocketEthernet IP #IPGATEWAY Set Gateway Address General AT Commands for SocketEthernet IP#DHCP Dhcp On or Off #IPADDR Set Static IP Address#EMACSPD Set Ethernet Connection #IPNETMASK Set Subnet Mask#DNSSERV1 Set DNS Server IP Address #DNSSERV2 Set Secondary DNS ServerValues None Display Example Interface UP #HOSTNAME Configure the Dhcp Client Host Name#ETHIFSTATUS View Network Interface Settings #VDNS Display Configuration of DNS ServersSyntax AT#VIP Values None #VIP View Address Settings#AUTODISCPORT Auto Discovery Port Auto Discovery AT Commands for the SocketEthernet IP#AUTODISCTIMER Auto Discovery Timer #AUTODISC Auto Discovery On/Off#AUTODISCUSERNAME Set Auto Discover User Name #AUTODISCPASSWORD Sets Auto Discover Password#VAUTODISC Display Auto Discovery Commands Part AT Commands for SocketWireless Wi-Fi Devices IP AT Commands for SocketWireless Wi-Fi AT#IPDNSSERV #IPDNSSERV Configure the DNS ServerDisables DNS Enable DNS#IPRESOLV Is There a Connection with DNS or Not #IPRELEASE Release a Dhcp Address Assigned by the Server#IPRENEW Renew the Dhcp Information from the Server #IPQUERY Give a Domain NameSyntax AT#VDNS #IPDNSTABLE Display DNS TableAT#IPDNSTABLE Response ValuesS2 Escape Sequence General AT Commands for SocketWireless Wi-FiPrevious Command Manual Answer of TCP or UDP ConnectionAT#BOOTMSG=0,1 #BOOTMSG Enable/Disable Boot Message#WATCHDOG Enable/Disable Watchdog #WATCHDOGTIMER Watchdog Timer#TELNETUSER Set Telnet User Values Default#TELNET Start/Stop Telnet Session #TELNETPORT- Set Telnet PortAT#TELNETPASSWORD? #TELNETPASSWORD Set Telnet Password#VTELNET View Telnet Settings AT# Telnetpassword = 64 char string#WLANCOUNTRYCODE Country Code Wlan AT Commands for SocketWireless Wi-Fi#WLANSECURITYMODE Security Mode of Wlan Module #WLANNETWORKMODE Wlan Network Mode#WLANDATARATE Wlan Transmission Data Rate #WLANSCANMODE Scanning Mode#WLANIBSSCHANNEL Channel for Ad-Hoc Mode #WLANSSID Ssid of Wlan#WLANDISCONNECT Disconnect with AP #WLANENABLE Auto Connect Module with AP#WLANDOZE= Moves Module into or out of Power Save #WLANCONNECT Connect with APSyntax AT#WLANSCAN #WLANSCAN Scan Wireless Networks#WLANPROFILEn=n Change the Wlan Profile Keyindex =#WEP64KEY Keys for WEP64 Security Mode #WLANGETRSSI Received Signal Strength#WLANACTIVATE Move Module out of Power Save #WLANROAM Enable/Disable Roaming#WEPKEYID Set the Default TX Key Index #WEP128KEY Keys for WEP128 Security Mode#WPAPSKKEY Keys for WPA PSK Security Mode #WPA2PSKKEY Keys for WPA2 PSK Security ModeAT#WLANSETPROFILEvalue? #WEP? See the Value of the WEP Keys#WLANPROFILE Display the Wlan Profile AT#WEP?AT#WLANASSOCINFO #WLAN? Wlan Module#WLANASSOCINFO Display Association Information AT#WLAN?AT Commands for the Following Devices #AUTHENT Authentication Type AT Commands for+WOPEN Set IP Mode or Modem Mode AT#SMSPHRASE=parameter1 #ANSWERMODE Set Answering Mode#SMSPHRASE Set Incoming SMS Phrase AT#ANSWERMODE=valueDefault Example #CALLBACKTIMER Set Automatic Call-Back Wait#CALLSCREENNUM Set Caller ID Service #KEEPALIVEMODE Keep-Alive Mode#KEEPALIVESERV Keep-Alive Server Address #KEEPALIVEDELAY Keep-Alive Delay#KEEPALIVEPORT Keep-Alive Port Number #REDIALCOUNT Set Connection Attempts Allowed #ATCMD Customize Dial-Up Commands#REDIALDELAY Set Call Retry Delay #PHYTIMEOUT Set Inactivity Time#DIALN2 Set Secondary Dial-Up Number #RINGCOUNT Set Number of Rings/Automatic Operation#DIALN1 Set Primary Dial-Up Number #ISPUN Set ISP User Name #ISPPW Set ISP Password#DIALSELECT Set Internet Connection Number AT#ACCEPT Incoming Call Management Commands#ACCEPT Answer Incoming Call #CONNECTIONSTOP Stop CommunicationAT#CONNECTIONSTART #CONNECTIONSTART Start Communication#PPPPEERIP Set IP Address for Remote PPP #PPPMYIP Set IP Address When Using PPP#AUTOCONNECT Automatically Connect the PPP Link #PPPMODE Set TCP/IP Behavior#APNUN Set Access Point User Name #PPPSERVPW Set Remote PPP Client Password#APNPW Set Access Point Name Password #APNSERV Set Access Point Name#DISPLAYIP Display IP Addresses #GPRSMODE Activate Switching Between GSM and Gprs#GPRSCID Set PDP Context Identifier AT#VPHY #VPPP Display PPP Parameters#VPHY Display Physical Parameters AT#VPPPGpio AT Commands Part Gpio AT CommandsTrigger Level Gpio AT CommandsAbout Gpio Values Gpio FunctionSend AT#GPIOR=1\r AT#GPIOR=parameterGpio Port \r\n#GPIOR VALUE1,VALUE2\r\nSyntax AT#GPIOTRIGGER=parameter1,parameter2 #GPIOTRIGGER Configure the Gpio pin and trigger typeDescription Configure the Gpio pin and trigger type Commands for GPS-Enabled Device Part AT Commands for GPS-Enabled Device#GPSPROTO Set GPS Host Protocol AT Commands for GPS Enable Products#GPSSERV Set GPS Host Server Address #GPSPORT Set GPS Host Port#GPSINTERVAL Set GPS Server Transmission Interval #GPSPW Set GPS Host Login Password#GPSGPGGA Enable/Disable Gpgga Message #GPSURAIS Set GPS Unique Remote Asset Identification String#GPSGPRMC Enable/Disable Gprmc Message #GPSGPGLL Enable/Disable Gpgll Message#GPSGPGSA Enable/Disable Gpgsa Message #GPSGPGSV Enable/Disable Gpgsv Message#GPSGETMESSAGE Get Queued GPS Message #GPSGPVTG Enable/Disable Gpvtg Message#GPSINTERVALLOC GPS Local Transmission Interval Where GPS Message SyntaxGPS Message Examples GpsprefixgpsuraisnmeamessagecrlfGPS Configuration Examples Introduction Nmea Protocol Overview Application Note GPS Nmea MessagesExample GGA Global Positioning System Fix DataStructure GSA Gnss DOP and Active Satellites GLL Latitude/LongitudeSNR GSV Gnss Satellites in View$GPGSV $GPVTG RMC Recommended Minimum Specific Gnss DataVTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed $GPRMCPart Appendixes Ring Appendix a Response Messages Error CodesResponse Messages Standard AT Messages Numeric Verbose DescriptionNumeric Description Error CodesError Codes Sending/Retrieving Email Response Messages Sending an Email AT#PUTMAIL Commands ResponsesAppendix B Response Message Examples Response Messages ExamplesAT#POP3PORT=110 AT#GETMAIL Retrieving an Email AT#GETMAIL Commands ResponsesAT#FTPPUT Upload a file to an FTP Server AT#FTPPUT Commands ResponsesFTP Download / Upload Files Response Messages AT#FTPPUTPATH=TCP Socket Response Messages Act as a TCP Server AT#LTCPSTART Commands ResponsesAct as a TCP Client AT#OTCP Commands Responses #FTPAPPEND Append Data to Server Index#UDPTXDELAY Delay before Sending UDP Datagram Close TCP Listening Mode #LTCPSTOP #LTCPSTART Open Listening Mode #PINGNUM Number of Ping Requests Commands for SocketModem IP Commands for SocketWireless Wi-Fi #PERSISTENTSOCKET Delay before Sending UDP Initiate the UDP Session in Listen Mode 119