Press YESEnterPIN.
Enter yourUnlockedPIN and press #.
The card ock is now turned off.
newCHANGEPIN PIN CODE To change the PIN code
– Change~ChangePINACCESScodecode
Press YESold.
Enter theEntrcurrent PIN and press #.
Enter theRepeatPIN and press #.
Enter the nPINNewPIN again.
The PIN has been changed.
If the message Matching error appears, the new PIN was entered incorrectly.
If the message Wrong PIN appears, followed by Enter Old PIN, the old PIN was entered incorrectly.
If the old PIN is entered incorrectly three times in succession, the SIM card will be blocked. This is indicated by the message Card blocked Unblock? Should this happen, refer to chapter 28. Problems You Can Solve at the end of the manual.
EN/LZT 126 1298 R1A
To change the PIN2 code – Change
Proceed as described above under CHANGE
To lock~Phone(Unlocked)or unlock the Phone – Phone
The pho e lock protects the phone against
unauthorised use of the phone in the event of a
theft. You can r | ad more about it in chapter 4. |
Protecti g the SIM Card and the Phone. | |
The pho | is not activated when you |
purchase the phone. You should, however, | |
activate it as s | on as possible. |
lock ACCESSlock
The currelockEntersetting Full Lock, Autolock or Unlocked is shown between brackets.
If necessary, scroll with R/Lto desired option:
Full , Aut lock or Unlocked.
When the desi ed option is displayed, for examp e Autolockcode, press YES to select it.
Enter the security code and press #.
When the phone is delivered, it is programmed with a security code of 0000.
Phone lock is displayed, together with the new setting: Full Lock, Autolock or Unlocked.