Listing Connected IP Phones
Deleting an Entry from the Device List
If you are unable to configure a device in the list, you can delete this entry. Select the required entry in the list with a click.
Delete with
•Delete from the Edit menu on the menu bar or
•the Delete selected Device icon on the toolbar or (Æ page 9)
•the Delete key.
The entry is deleted without further confirmation.
Selecting a Device Group
You can select three groups or use the pointer to select individual entries at random in the device list for the operation you want to perform, such as deletion or the Configure Selected Devices function.
Select with
•Select all Ready from the Edit menu on the menu bar or
•CTRL+R or
•Select all No Response from the Edit on the menu bar or
•Select all from the Edit menu on the menu bar or
•click a device or
•click an initial device and, holding down CTRL key, click additional ran- domly listed devices or
•click an initial device and, holding down the SHIFT key, select multiple consecutive devices.
Saving a Deployment File
If you specified addresses or address range(s), you can save the result for future use.
Save with
•Save as... from the File menu on the menu bar if you want to save the deployment file under a specific name or Save if you want to save it under the current name (only when changing IP addresses), or
•the Save icon on the toolbar (Æ page 9) to save the file under the cur- rent name (only when changing the IP addresses) or
•CTRL+S (only when changing the IP addresses).
The tool only saves the contents of the Address and Status col- umns.