Abbreviations and Technical Terms
Abbreviations and Technical Terms
You will find additional information in the relevant literature on network technology and Æ VoIP.
Default Route
A default route is a route that is suitable for every destination address. In other words, the route can be used for every destination address. The de- fault route has the lowest priority and is only used if no other routes are suitable. Essentially, a route specifies the path that the two packets should or can travel for transport within the network. The default route is used if a path is not prescribed or known.
Abbreviation of "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol."
Dynamic assignment of IP addresses for subscribers in an IP network us- ing a central DHCP server.
Dial Plan
Contains a dial plan which can be used to determine when a call number is complete.
Abbreviation of "Domain Name Service."
The DNS service converts an alphanumeric name query (for example into an IP address.
Large InterNIC primary name servers and the national registration centers (for example:
A domain is a logical association of computers and can be split into subdo- mains. DNS servers are used for resolving domain names. An example of a domain name is Here, . stands for the ROOT of the DNS server, com for the commercial
Download Firmware
•Use this function to download an updated software version from the
ÆFTP server for the optiPoint 410.
•You must set the following parameters before the download:
ÆDownload Server IP Address, Æ File path, Æ Application filename,
ÆAccount name, Æ FTP username, Æ FTP password