29.10.99 | kap06.fm5 | Gigaset 2015 plus, GBR: |
Internal consultation and call transfer
Call transfer
Operation with several handsets |
| If a number of handsets are in operation (➔ page 59), you |
| can transfer an external call to an internal station user. |
Io | Press the internal key and then enter the number of the |
required handset (1 to 6). You hear internal ringing tone. | |
| The handset is called. The external call is held. |
either |
| Wait until the internal party answers. Inform this user |
| about the outside call. |
a | Transfer the external call. |
| |
or |
Instead of waiting until the called party answers, transfer
athe call directly.
Instead of pressing a you can replace your handset in the charger unit.
If you transfer the external call directly and the user fails to take the call within 30 seconds, you are recalled.
If you transfer the external call directly and the user is busy, you are recalled immediately.
If you take the recall, you are reconnected to the external subscriber. A recall is taken in the same way as any other type of call (➔ page 5).
Operation in connection with a PBX
If your telephone is connected to a telecommunications system (PBX), you can transfer an external call to an inter- nal station user. In such cases note carefully the operating instructions for the telecommunications system.
Initiate consultation. You hear dial tone. The external call
is held.
oEnter the number of the required station. The user is called.
Wait until the internal party answers. Inform this user about the outside call.
aTransfer the external call.