The first letter of every word will be capitalized. The remaining letters in a word begin with lower case letters shown in the chart to the right.
4.3Edit an Entry
When a directory entry is displayed:
1.Press Pto modify the entry. You will be prompted to EDIT NUMBER. Press the keypad keys to add digits.
•Press /to erase digits.
•Press ,to move the cursor to the right or left. Press and hold .to add a
•Copy a number from redial by pressing .then press ,, or pressing .repeatedly to locate the number to copy. Press Pto copy the number.
2.Press P. You will be prompted to EDIT NAME.
•Press the keypad keys to add characters.
•Press /to erase characters.
•Press ,to move the cursor to the right or left.
3.Press Pto confirm.
4.4Delete an Entry
When a directory entry is displayed, press /to delete the displayed entry from the directory. Once deleted, an entry cannot be retrieved.
4.5Directory search
To search by name
1.Press +when in idle mode to display the first listing in the directory. DIRECTORY EMPTY will be displayed if there are no directory entries.
2.When a name entry is displayed, press the keypad keys
The directory will display the first name beginning with the first letter associated with the keypad key if there is an entry in the directory that begins with that letter.
3.To see other names that start with the letters on the same keypad key, keep pressing the key. The names
will be shown in alphabetical order.
For example, if you have the names Jennifer, Jessie, Kevin and Linda in your directory:
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