will provide a visual indication when you have new voicemail messages.
NEW VOICEMAIL and the icon will appear on the handset screen(s).
This feature does not indicate new answering system messages recorded on your phone. Clear voicemail indication
Use this feature when the telephone indicates there is new voicemail but there is none (for example, when you have accessed your voicemail while away from home). This feature only turns off the displayed NEW VOICEMAIL message and icon; it does not delete your voicemail message(s). As long as you have new voicemail messages, your local telephone company will continue to send the signal to activate the visual message waiting indicator.
To manually turn off the new voicemail indicator:
1.Press Pwhen in idle mode to enter the feature menu.
2.Press ,to scroll to >SETUP BS.
3.Press Pand ,to select >CLR VOICEMAIL. Press P.
4.Press Pagain to turn the voicemail indication off, or press >to cancel the procedure.
1.Telephone company voicemail may alert you to new messages with stutter (broken) dial tone. Contact your telephone company for more details.
2.For information about using your voicemail service, contact your telephone company for assistance.
6.3.3Home area code
If you dial seven digits to make a local call (no area code required), program your area code into the telephone as the home area code. After setting, if you receive a call from within your home area code, the caller ID history will only display the seven digits of the telephone number.
1.Press Pwhen in idle mode to enter the feature menu.
2.Press ,to scroll to >SETUP BS.
3.Press Pand ,to select >HOME AREA CODE. Press P.
4.Press the keypad keys to enter a
5.Press Pto save and return to the main menu.
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