PassPort® is an enhanced,
PassPort Trunking systems offer you the ability to seamlessly roam among all sites in a
you with optimal audio quality throughout your communications.
Initial Registration
Your HT1250•LS+ radio needs to register on the PassPort system before communication with your talkgroup can begin. Registration automatically takes place upon radio power up or after selecting the desired PassPort zone on the selector knob unless your radio is Site Restricted from that site or Group Restricted from that talkgroup. What you see:
network. Seamless Roaming means that you do not have to manually change the zones on your radio when roaming from site to site. As you roam throughout a PassPort System’s coverage area, your HT1250•LS+ radio regularly monitors the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) level of the site on which you are currently registered. In addition, if the signal strength falls below the acceptable threshold preprogrammed by your dealer, your radio starts monitoring the RSSI level of adjacent sites within the network. This allows the HT1250•LS+ radio to quickly roam to the site with the strongest signal, which provides
1Upon radio Power up, you see:
(if you select a PassPort zone after your radio has powered up, see step 2).
2The display shows the selected
PassPort Zone Alias (if preprogrammed).