3 The display shows | TLKGRP ALIAS |
the selected |
Talkgroup Alias (if preprogrammed).
Note: If your radio performs a more extensive frequency search in order to attempt registration, you may
4Upon successful PassPort
Registration, you see: REG SITE XXX
Note: Your radio sounds a
5After successfully registering to a site, the selected PassPort talkgroup alias
appears and remains | TLKGRP ALIAS | |
on the display. | ||
| ||
Roaming and Registering between Sites
Once initial registration with the PassPort system has occurred, your radio constantly monitors the RSSI to ensure an acceptable signal level is maintained (as programmed by your dealer). When the RSSI in your radio falls below this acceptable level, your HT1250•LS+ radio attempts to roam to and register onto another site within the PassPort system.
This process happens automatically and requires no action on your part. What you see:
1When your radio is searching for a new site or attempting successful registration to a site, or if the radio roams
to a restricted site, | SEARCHING |
you see: |
Note: This message is displayed until registration occurs. For more information about site restriction, please contact your dealer.