42Additional configuration using the VoIP Settings menu
Step Action
1Log in to the IP Phone 1535 using the Admin Mode. For more information, see "Logging in to the IP Phone 1535 Admin mode " (page 23).
2From the Main Menu, select Settings > VoIP Settings > Registration, and press OK.
Setting the registration interval using the Expires configuration option
To maintain access, the Nortel IP Phone 1535 must periodically reregister itself as an endpoint with the MCS 5100 server. The period of time between these scheduled registrations is a value (in seconds) that you can set using the Expires configuration option.
Configuring the registration interval:
Step Action
1Log in to the IP Phone 1535 using the Admin Mode. For more information, see "Logging in to the IP Phone 1535 Admin mode " (page 23).
2From the Main Menu, go to Settings > VoIP Settings > Registration and select Expires, and press OK
3Enter a value in seconds from 60 to 82400, and press OK(the default value is 82400).
Misc. (Miscellaneous)
This section covers additional functions of the Misc. configuration option not covered elsewhere in this document. Specifically, the Call Total Bandwidth (CTBW), Codec Priority, and Voice Mail functions. Each of these will be covered separately in subsequent sections.
To access the Misc. configuration options:
Multimedia Communications Server 5100
IP Phone 1535 Installation and Configuration
Release 3.5 20 November 2006
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