3.HOW TO SET UP A. Menu Setup
IP SHARE : NAT 0. 0. 0. 0
(You can exit the Setup Menu anytime by pressing the “MENU” key again.)
Must Setup in Order for VoIP Phone to Work Properly
•Push “Menu” to enter Setup Mode
•Set up the name of the phone e.g. USA01
•Set up DHCP mode (Enable or Disable switched by <– or
Leave in Disable mode if you have Static IP Address
For Dynamic IP Address, DHCP must set to Enable. settings would be automatically set.
•Set up ADSL Dialup mode (for Support PPPoE) (Enable or disable switched by <– or
If you select ADSL Dialup to “YES”, please refer to Page 6, Note.1.
•Set up the IP Share Address as the default gateway of the PC by using the Virtual IP address for Internet access.
For IP Sharing, Router’s WAN port should connect to the VoIP Phone’s PC port
•Set up IP address when DHCP is disable
IP ADDRESS : 0. 0. 0. 0
Router IP :
0. 0. 0. 0
Subnet Mask 255.255.255. 0
DNS Server IP: 0. 0. 0. 0
SNTP Server IP: 0. 0. 0. 0
Time Zone GMT + 0:00
Default Codec G.723.1
Gateway #1 IP
Note*: The default value is
While DHCP is Disable, IP address must be entered.
•Set up the router (Default Gateway) IP address when DHCP is disable.
•Setting the router IP to is recommended when connecting in a LAN environment.
The default value is; When DHCP is Disable, Router IP must be entered.
•Setup subnet mask when DHCP is disable
•The default value is (class C network)
This value must be on while DHCP is OFF
•Set up DNS (Domain Name Service) Server IP Address.
•This function allow IP Phone to look for default SNTP server by Domain name.
•Set up SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol)
•This function allow IP Phone to get time from the Internet.
•Set up the date (year/month/day) e.g. 99/11/30
•Set up the time (hour:minute:second) e.g. 15:53:20
Note*: Only needed when SNTP is not available
•Set up the Time Zone
•Enable or Disable Gatekeeper by <– or
If you set Gatekeeper to “YES”, please refer to Page 6, Note.2.
•Set up the highest priority of the voice codec for this phone. (G711Alaw/G.711ULaw/G.723.1/G.729) Your could use
•Set up VoIP Gateway IP address for “shortcut dial”
•If you want to dial to PSTN or phone number, the VoIP gateway IP address has to be set.
• There are total 5 Gateways from 1 to 5
To Dial for Gateway shortcut dial, simply dial “ 1 #” ~ “ 5 #”
NOTE: When Dialing thru Gateway shortcut dial, enter only static IP or use VPN.
Call Waiting: Yes
Call Forward: Yes
•Call waiting between VoIP and PSTN
•Call forward to
•If you choose “YES” then you could input the number
a.IP to IP (priority 1); i.e.,a remote unit where you want the call forward to.
b.From IP to PSTN (priority 2); i.e.
c.From PSTN to IP (priority 3); i.e. forward to this IPif call from PSTN
Enabling this function, only one of the three options will be chosen. If two or more are selected, only the one with the higher priority will work. For example, if you want to use PSTN to IP Call, Priority 1 & 2 should be blank.