Index |
B |
Battery Packs | 10 |
Low battery | 10 |
Safety | 59 |
C |
Chargers |
Charging status | 50 |
Dual | 52 |
Quad | 53 |
Safety | 59 |
Setup | 49 |
Single | 51 |
Cleaning and drying the handset | 55 |
Config menu | 21 |
Default settings | 24 |
D |
Display screen | 14 |
F |
Features | 12 |
Advanced | 39 |
Basic | 33 |
Firmware version | 30 |
Function (FCN) menu | 17 |
I |
Icons | 14 |
System | 14 |
IP address, displaying | 30 |
L |
Line menu | 17 |
M |
Menus |
Config | 21 |
Function (FCN) | 17 |
Line | 17 |
Modes |
Active | 18 |
Configuration | 19 |
Messaging | 19 |
18 | |
Standby | 18 |
P |
Phone Settings, Config menu | 28 |
Phonebook | 40 |
45 | |
29 | |
S |
Safety |
Electromagnetic interference | 61 |
Explosive atmospheres | 60 |
Specific Absorption Rates | 63 |
Use while driving | 62 |
Safety warnings | 60 |
SAR | 63 |
Softkeys |
Functions | 15 |
List of | 15 |
NavOK | 16 |
Software version | 30 |
Specific Absorption Rates | 63 |
Speed dial | 40 |
System info, config menu option | 30 |
U |
User profiles | 25 |