Using the
Top Level Menu, Display, Listen
When you tap LISTEN, the listen key assignment for each key will appear in the alphanumeric display above the key. If there is no listen assignment, the display will show (- - -
The call waiting window will also display TAP KEYS. If the keypanel does not have alphanumeric displays for intercom key assignments, tap any key and the assignment will appear in the call waiting window. (If the key is not assigned, the call waiting window will display dashes.)
Top Level Menu, Display, Page Use
PAGE USE shows which setup page is assigned to the keypanel. For
Top Level Menu, Display, Port Num
When you select PORT NUM, the port number to which the keypanel is connected will display in the call waiting window.
NOTE: You will get a false reading if the keypanel address has not been correctly set using “Menus, SERVICE, SET ADDR” on page 44.
Top Level Menu, Display, SOLO
A SOLO key is a talk key that, when activated, will cause all other active intercom keys to turn off. Turning the solo key off will cause the deactivated keys to turn back on. When you select SOLO in the DISPLAY menu, all keys that are currently assigned to operate as solo keys will light. The talk and listen indicators will light according to the way the keys have been programmed. For example, if a solo key normally activates as both talk and listen, both the talk and listen indicators will be green.
For description and assignment of solo keys, see “Menus, KEY OPT, SOLO” on page 37.
Top Level Menu, Display, Version
Select VERSIONS to display the keypanel’s software version in the call waiting window.