Synchronization will take place according to options you’ve chosen. To initiate synchronization manually, click Tools, and then Synchronize Now.
Synchronization may take a few minutes, as each item to be synchronized needs to be processed. You’ll see a message indicating that synchronization is taking place.
After you’ve synchronized, you’ll see the status message in the status bar of the Mobile Devices windows. At any time, you can check the status. Click the Tools menu, and click ActiveSync Status to display the ActiveSync Status window.
What Gets Synchronized
The following sections provide an overview of how various types of information are synchronized. For details on synchronizing specific items, see Microsoft ActiveSync Help.
All files you create on the PA962 are stored in a My Document/PA962 My Docu- ments folder (if the assigned Device Name is PA962). View those files by double- clicking the
If you have enabled file synchronization, your PA962 files are automatically syn- chronized on your desktop computer file folder WinCE_PC My Documents - unless a different name was chosen for the PA962. This folder can be found in one of following locations:
=Windows 95/98: My Documents\WinCE_PC My Documents.
=Windows NT:WINNT\Profiles\your
During synchronization, files are copied back and forth between the PA962 and the desktop computer.
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