About Net MD
Net MD -About Net MD-
!What is a Net MD portable recorder?
The USB is adopted to ensure high compatibility of PCs and MDs.
Audio data saved on the hard disk of a PC can be trans- ferred to a Net
Not only the basic operations but also the title editing of audio data on an MD can be performed via the PC.
EMD service |
| MP3, WAV type | |
(Electronic Music | Audio CD | ||
audio files | |||
Distribution) |
| ||
| ||
| MD portable recorder | |
| compatible with Net MD |
USB connection
PC hard disk (BeatJam)
Digital audio data can be imported into the hard disk of a PC in the following methods:
"Converting the music downloaded via the music distri- bution service on the Internet into ATRAC3 of the OpenMG system.
"Recording an audio CD via the
"Converting the existing MP3, WAV audio files into ATRAC3 of the OpenMG system.
The saved audio data can be played on the existing MD player, as its recording method is not changed when being recorded on an MD. (To play audio data saved in the MDLP mode, the
All the audio data managed by "BeatJam" is encrypted by the OpenMG system and recorded on the hard disk of the PC, which prevents its unauthorised use or distribu- tion.