22 Select the Personal Music Recommendations.
If you plan to use the Personal Music Recommendation, click on <Yes [recommended]>, if not, select <No>, then click on <Next>.
Refer to the Personal Music Recommendation screen for the features and contents.
23 Set the Install Option.
If you would like to set up a special environment to meet your needs, check <Custom>. If you don't want to make any changes, check <Express [recommended]>. Then click on <Next>. If you checked <Express [recommended]>, skip to step 29.
24 Select where to install MusicMatch Jukebox.
Click on <Browse> if you want to change the MusicMatch Jukebox installation folder. To accept the default folder, click on <Next>.
25 Select the folder in which to save music files.
Click on <Browse> if you want to change where to save your music files. To accept the default folder, click on <Next>.
If the installation folder does not exist, a confirmation dialog box opens to get your permission to create a folder for this purpose. Click on <Yes>.
Installing Software