The HD-P2 Interface
Keys are primarily organized into menu navigation and transport functions.
Transport Keys and Hold Switch
REW – Rewinds timeline – pressing this during rewind toggles between fast and faster speeds; audible skip- rewind when used during play.
F FWD – Forwards timeline – pressing this during fast forward toggles between fast and faster speeds; audi- ble
STOP – Stops any transport motion, turns off monitor.
PLAY – Plays timeline beginning at the current timeline location.
PAUSE – Turns on input monitoring mode (PAUSE indi- cator slow blink, REC indicator solid).
REC – Initiates new record and turns on monitoring (REC indicator solid).
LOCATE Ô/ – Locates to the previous (Ô) or next () marker/file in time.
MARKER – Drops a new marker at the current time.
RETAKE – Undoes last record: moves file to trash, deletes markers, and repositions time to where the last record began.
HOLD – Locks keys to prevent accidental use.
TIMECODE – Turns on timecode chase when timecode is enabled.
Figure 1 - Transport Keys and Hold Switch
Most of these keys have alternate “shifted” functionality. The main transport keys (REW, F FWD, STOP, PLAY, PAUSE, REC) also work when you are in menu screens. Hitting REC while in the menus will automatically switch back to the operational screen.
Menu keys and Shuttle/Data wheel
The rest of the keys are used for navigating the
MENU – Toggles between Menu and Operational mode.
SELECT – Selects/activates the currently highlighted menu item.
CANCEL – Deselects/escapes the current item or screen.
DISPLAY – Shortcut for Contrast & Brightness adjust- ment menus (always active).
Figure 2 - Menu keys and Shuttle/Data wheel
PROJECT – Shortcut to Project Menu.
SHUTTLE/DATA – Moves time forwards/backwards and navigates up/down through menu items and settings.