Continued from the previous page
Figures 14a and 14b are expanded views of all of the project settings and timecode sub-menus (timecode settings are explained in detail in the Timecode sec- tion of this manual).The following are details about the Project Settings menu items:
Sample Rate – 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 or 192 kHz. This can- not be changed once any audio has been recorded into this project. All audio files in a project must be of the same sample rate.
Channels – This sets the record mode. The options are: Mono Left, Mono Right, Mono Summed, and Stereo.
Sample Width – 16 or 24 bits.
Input Source – Analog/Mic or S/PDIF (digital).
Clock Source – Internal, LTC, Video, Word Clock, or S/PDIF. Timecode – Enabled or Disabled.
Timecode Settings – a submenu of timecode param- eters.
Headset Monitoring – Stereo, Mono Left, Mono Right, Mono Summed, or Follow Record Mode (“Channels” field above). Monitoring via the internal speaker follows this setting as well, although Stereo is ren- dered as Mono Summed.
Auto Markers – The
Auto Append – This mode, as described previously, is set Yes or No.
Locator Types – This can limit where the LOCATE keys can position the timeline, to the edge of Files Only, to Markers Only, or to Files and Markers.
Meter Clip Hold – Flash (very brief), 3, 6, or 10 seconds, or Infinite. When set to Infinite, the Clip indicator on the display is cleared by pressing CANCEL.
Meter Decay Rate – Slow, Medium, or Fast.
Hold Meter Peak Decay – Slow, Medium, Fast, or Off.
File Base Name – Audio file names will start with these characters.
Mark Base Name – Marker names will start with these characters.
HD-P2 Screens and Menus
Figure 14a - Project Settings Screen: Expanded View
Figure 14b - Project Timecode Settings Screen: Expanded View
Continued on the next page