IMPORTANT: Installation of stereo compo- | Figure 1. | • | Always wear protective eyewear when using |
nents can require extensive experience | Mounting the Kappa 62m and Kappa 692m. |
| any tools. |
with a variety of mechanical and electrical |
| • | Turn off all audio components and other elec- |
procedures. Although these instructions |
| trical devices before you start. Disconnect the |
explain how to install Kappa Marine speakers |
| |
in a general sense, they do not show the |
| • | Keep speakers in their package until final |
exact installation method for your particular |
| installation. When moving a speaker, always |
application. If you feel you do not have the |
| rest it with the cone or dome facing up. Never |
experience, do not attempt the installation |
| use force to install any speaker. |
yourself, but instead ask your authorized |
| • | Check clearances on both sides of a planned |
Infinity |
| mounting surface before drilling any holes or |
sional installation options. |
| installing any screws. Remember that the |
| screws can extend behind the surface. |
WARNING: Playing loud music in a marine |
| • | At the installation sites, locate and make a |
environment can permanently damage your |
| note of all fuel lines, hydraulic lines, vacuum |
hearing, as well as hinder your ability to |
| lines and electrical wiring. Use extreme cau- |
hear traffic. The maximum volume levels |
| tion when cutting or drilling in and around |
achievable with Infinity speakers, combined |
| these areas. |
with high power amplification, may exceed |
| • | Before drilling or cutting holes, use a utility |
safe levels for extended listening. Infinity |
| knife to remove unwanted fabric or vinyl, to |
accepts no liability for hearing loss, bodily |
| keep material from snagging in a drill bit |
injury or property damage as a result of use |
| or saw. |
or misuse of this product. |
| • | The stainless steel hardware provided with |
| your Kappa Marine speakers has been chosen |
| to resist rust and corrosion. |
Kappa Marine speakers are designed to produce reasonable volume levels with little amplifier power. However, the addition of an amplifier to drive your speakers and a sub- woofer will enhance the dynamic range of your system, and help overcome ambient noise. Kappa Marine speakers are designed to handle the power of a dedicated amplifier driven at or below its rated power. If an amplifier is driven far above its rated power, the output signal will “clip,” and the additional power present in a clipped signal can dam- age any speaker. Distorted or “fuzzy” sound from your speakers is an indication that the amplifier has exceeded its rated power, and you should reduce the volume level.
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