Y B 5 5 0 P E O P E R AT I O N M A N U A L
Below, the three ways to access what has been stored into memory are described: Direct Memory Access, Memory Search and Memory Autoscan. When the memory page and memory preset numbers appear in the upper right corner of the dis- play, as it will in the sections below, the radio is in MEMORY ACCESS MODE. This mode can be exited any time with a press/release of the M.Scan/Page button.
DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS: To directly access a memory pre- set, the page number and preset number must be entered, as shown below:
1.Press/hold the M.Scan/Page button for about 3 seconds.Then release it. Note that the memory page is flashing in the upper right corner of the display.
2.Within 5 seconds select the desired page with the + and
– buttons.
3.Within 5 seconds, use the numeric keypad to
MEMORY SEARCH: Memory Search enables searching through the memory presets within a memory page, as shown below:
1.Press/release the M.Scan/Page button.
2.Use quick, short presses on the + or – buttons to search through the memory presets.
MEMORY AUTOSCAN: Memory Autoscan enables scanning through the memory presets within a memory page. The memory being scanned enables listening to the station for about 5 seconds and will then move on to the next memory automatically. Autoscan will continue indefinitely on the selected page until deliberately stopped.
1.Press/release the M.Scan/Page button.
2.Press/hold either the + or – button for about 3 seconds. Then release it. Note that the memory preset number in the upper right corner of the display flashes and the pre- set being scanned remains for about 5 seconds. It then moves on to the next memory preset for another 5 sec- onds. To stop memory preset autoscan, press/release either the + or – button.
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