Features and Operation Explained
You can activate or deactivate the alarm if the radio is “on” or “off”. Pushing the “ALARM” button once sets the alarm to and the “radio” alarm. (The radio will alarm on the last station listened to.) A sec- ond push of the “ALARM” button sets the alarm to “buzzer”
. A third press of the “ALARM” button turns off both icons and the radio will not alarm. Press the “Power” button to stop the alarms when they come on. The alarm will not work if head- phones are plugged in.
Set the alarm time with the radio “off”. Press and hold the “ALARM” button for two seconds. Use the Tuning Knob to set the hours, press the “ALARM” button again and set the minutes. You must press the “ALARM” button again when done to con- firm the “ALARM” time.
If the alarm is set to “AUTO” and you hap- pen to have the radio “on” at the alarm time, then the buzzer will automatically come on, too.
Pressing the “FAVORITES” key allows you to
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