further details. Wall mounting holes are located in each corner of the enclosure (see Mounting on page 4).
Loop connections
Disconnect power to the loop and install the meter as illustrated in Control loop connected to input signal PCB on page 6 and Removing display PCB from the loop on page 9. Replace the enclosure cover.
Removing display PCB from the loop
The display PCB and input signal PCB are connected together with one black and one red wire. The wires are soldered to the display PCB and connected to a screw terminal connector on the input signal PCB.
1.Remove enclosure cover and the display PCB as described in steps 1 to 3 of Calibration connections on page 8.
2.Install loop jumper over both pins to bypass display PCB and allow the signal to flow through the loop jumper. The display turns off when jumper is installed.
3.Disconnect the black and red signal wires from the screw terminal connector.
4.Loosen completely the
CAUTION: Care should be taken to prevent static electricity from damaging the electronic circuitry.
5.Restore enclosure cover to the base to prevent contamination of components.
Restoring display PCB to the loop
1.Loosen the four screws on the enclosure cover and remove the cover.
2.Secure display PCB to enclosure using
3.Connect red wire to S+ terminal and black wire to S- terminal, as shown in Calibrator connected to input signal PCB on page 6.
4.Remove loop jumper to allow the signal to flow through display PCB (save
5.Tighten screws holding display PCB and install enclosure cover.
Servicing display PCB outside the loop
Two modes of input signal allow the user to remove the display PCB for service without interrupting the loop as indicated above and operate the display PCB at another location in a