2.Attach the round connector of the gun control cable provided to the trigger connector on the front of the Lincoln Feeder.
Install and Trim the Cable Liner Installation of (KP44 and KP45 series liners)
1.Lay the gun and cable out straight on a flat sur- face.
2.Make sure that the set screw in the connector end is backed out so as not to damage liner or liner bushing. Remove and save the tip holder, contact tip and insulator from the end of the gun tube assembly.
3.Insert a new untrimmed liner into the connector end of the cable. Be sure the liner bushing is stenciled appropriately for the wire size being used.
4.Be sure to fully seat the liner bushing in the con- nector and:
For all connector kits except
mm)maximum diameter electrode and the other lin- ers fit the following wires (maximum size) in order of increasing inside diameter: 1/16” (1.6 mm), 5/64” (2.0 mm), 3/32” (2.4 mm) and 1/8” (3.2 mm).
NOTE: The maximum wire size for a
5.Be sure the cable is straight and then trim the liner flush with the end of the gun tube.
6.Remove the gun tube and trim an additional 9/16” (12.7 mm) of material from the end of the liner (a 9/16” gage is included on the wrench supplied with the gun).
7.Replace the gun tube and tighten the clamping screw to secure it.
8.Reassemble the tip holder, insulator, and con- tact tip onto the end of the gun tube.
Connection to Miller Feeders
Using the Gun and cable assemblies which were assembled with a
1.Check that the gun liner, connector cap liner, and drive rolls are appropriate for the electrode size being used.
2.Fully push the brass connector end of the gun and cable into the connector receptacle on the outgoing side of the feeder wire drive. Tighten the hand screw to clamp down on the connec- tor.
3.Insert the control cable plug from the feeder trig- ger circuit into the mating socket on the gun cable feeder end handle.
Connection to Hobart Feeders
Using the Gun and cable assemblies which were assembled with a
1.Check that the gun liner, connector cap liner, and drive rolls are appropriate for the electrode size being used.
2.Fully push the brass connector end of the gun and cable into the connector receptacle on the outgoing side of the feeder wire drive. Tighten the hand screw to clamp down on the connec- tor.
3.Insert the control cable plug from the feeder trig- ger circuit into the mating socket on the gun cable feeder end handle.
Connection to L-Tec Adapted Feeders
Using the Gun and cable assemblies which were assembled with a
1.Check that the adapter and feeder outgoing guide as well as the drive roll, are appropriate for the electrode size being used.