through 15appear on the first screen. Harmonics 16through 31appear on the second screen. Switch between harmonics screens by pressing > when 15is selected on the first screen or<when 16is selected on the second screen.
Functions and Screen Modes
The Harmonics Screen Mode (Figure 11) uses a set of screens to display magnitude bars for all harmonics and digital information about the selected
harmonic. Select a harmonic by pressing and >to move the cursor
along the bottom scale. DC, 1(the fundamental frequency), and harmonics 2
At the top of the screen, the percentage shown compares the selected cursor magnitude to either the fundamental (%F) or the total rms value (%R) (fundamental and all harmonics). The Tester also shows the magnitude of the cursor selection. The frequency of the selected harmonic is shown in Hertz below the percentage.
The watts harmonic screen always uses the %F (fundamental) definition.