Multiquip TP24X manual Choose from three easy options

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Parts ordering procedures

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Effective: January 1st, 2006

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Note: Discounts Are Subject To Change

order via Fax (dealers only):

Fax your order in and qualify for a 2% discount

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on Standard orders for all orders which include

domestic (uS) Customers dial:

complete part numbers.*

1-800-6-PARTS-7 (800-672-7877)

Note: Discounts Are Subject To Change


order via phone:

domestic (uS) dealers Call:



non-dealer Customers:

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Contact your local Multiquip Dealer for

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parts or call 800-427-1244 for help in

Parts Ordering information.

locating a dealer near you.


when ordering parts, please supply:

dealer account number

dealer name and address

Shipping address (if different than billing address)

return Fax number

applicable model number

Quantity, part number and description of each part

Specify preferred method of Shipment:

UPS/Fed Ex


Priority One



Next Day

Second/Third Day


All orders are treated as Standard Orders and will ship the same day if received prior to 3PM PST.

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TP24X TILE SAW • operation and parts manual — rev. #2 (04/12/12) — page 5

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Contents Model TP24X Proposition 65 Warning Silicosis Warning Silicosis/Respiratory WarningsTP24X Tile Saw Table of ContentsChoose from three easy options SaFeTy meSSageS Safety InformationGeneraL SaFeTy BLade SaFeTy SaW SaFeTyPower Cord/Cable Safety ELeCTrIC moTor SaFeTyLIFTIng SaFeTy TranSporTIng SaFeTy3200 SpecificationsDimensions DimensionsFeatures Accessories/Replacement PartsGeneral information Dry Cutting ApplicationsTP24X Tile SAW operation and parts manual rev. #2 04/12/12 Saw Components Saw componentsStopper Place stopper in water tray when filling with water Electric motor components/set-up Support Stand Assembly OptionalElectric Motor Components Saw set-upSet-up Water Pump AssemblyRear drip tray installation Cutting Depth BladesBlade Components See for proper blade use guidelines Blade InstallationSawing Guides Using the Cutting Table Connecting the PowerPlace the power ON/OFF switch in the OFF position down Never grab or touch a live Power cord with wet hands,Sawing guides Using the Drip GuardPerforming Straight Cuts Performing Diagonal CutsOperation Start-up ProcedureWait for the cutting blade to stop rotating Shut down ProcedureInspect the cutting table periodically. Replace worn parts Basic MaintenanceAfter wet cleaning and before using the machine again Maintenance intervalsBefore not using the machine for a prolonged period of time After not using the machine for a prolonged period of timeTake off the old belt and replace with new belt Water pump maintenanceBelt replacement Bearing Housing Installation Bearing housing removalIntially, but shifts apart as the table travels along Realignment MethodRail, proceed to Method Forth. If the table binds against the rail at anyMethod Further adjustment-repeat stepTable from the guide rails. See Figure Shim may be requiredTransporting the saw Leveling AdjustmentElectric Motor Wiring Diagram Wiring diagram electric motorBlade Troubleshooting Troubleshooting bladeSaw Troubleshooting Troubleshooting SawExplanation of Code in Remarks Column Tp24x tile saw with electric motor 1 to 3 units Suggested Spare PartsMain SAW Assy Part Name Cutting Head Assy Part Name QTY Remarks Cutting table assy Cutting table assy Blade guard assy Remarks Bearing housing assy Bearing housing assy Switch Box assy Includes items w/@ Tools and accessories TP100102 OptionalTPS100034 FreIgHT poLICy Terms and Conditions of Sale PartsTP24X Tile SAW operation and parts manual rev. #2 04/12/12 HERE’S HOW to GET Help