Operating Your Air Compressor
All lubricated compressor pumps dis- charge some condensed water and oil with the compressed air. Install appropri-
ate water/oil removal equipment and con- trols as necessary for the intended appli- cation.
Moisture in Compressed Air
Moisture in compressed air will form into droplets as it comes from an air com- pressor pump. When humidity is high or when a compressor is in continuous use for an extended period of time, this mois- ture will collect in the tank. When using a paint spray or sandblast gun, this water will be carried from the tank through the hose, and out of the gun as droplets mixed with the spray material.
IMPORTANT: This condensation will cause water spots in a paint job, espe- cially when spraying other than water based paints. If sandblasting, it will cause the sand to cake and clog the gun, rendering it ineffective.
A filter in the air line, located as near to the gun as possible, will help eliminate this moisture.
THIS UNIT CONTAINS NO OIL! Follow lubrication instructions before operating compressor.
Remove the dipstick and fill pump with 12 ounces of oil. Use single viscosity, ISO
100 (SAE 30),
Add Oil
Max |
| Fill |
Low | Line |