Spraying Precautions
Do not spray flamma- ble materials in vicin- ity of open flame or
near ignition sources including the compressor unit.
1.Do not smoke when spraying paint, insecticides, or other flammable sub- stances.
2. Use a face mask/respira- tor when spraying and spray in a well ventilated area to prevent health and fire hazards.
3.Do not direct paint or other sprayed material at the compressor. Locate compressor as far away from the spraying area as possible to minimize overspray accumulation on the com- pressor.
4.When spraying or cleaning with sol- vents or toxic chemicals, follow the instructions provided by the chemical manufacturer.
Breathable Air Warning
This compressor/pump is not equipped and should not be used “as is” to supply breathing quality air. For any application of air for human consumption, the air compressor/pump will need to be fitted with suitable
In the event the compressor is used for the purpose of breathing air application and proper