Moving & Placing
The Model G0694 is a heavy machine (approx.
580lbs.) Serious per- sonal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power lifting equipment
rated for at least 750 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.
To move and place your lathe:
1.Remove the top crate from the shipping pal- let.
2.To help balance the load, lock the outboard tool rest assembly as close as possible to the lathe body, then move the tailstock and cen- ter tool rest assembly to the extreme right of the bedway.
3.Remove the small items from the shipping pallet, then remove the lag bolts securing the lathe to the pallet.
4.Feed the lifting straps under the bedway, as shown in Figure 6, making sure they spread as wide as possible.