Grizzly G0657, G0658 owner manual  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2

Page 11


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G0657/G0658 Benchtop Lathe


Image 11
Contents Benchtop Lathe Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Contact Info IntroductionForeword Functional Overview G0657/G0658 Identification #.% $!4 THERH3PECIFICATIONS $%,$88 %!69 $549 %.#4/0 ,!4% AIN 3PECIFICATIONS #ONSTRUCTION  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29  !,7!93 53% !.3 !002/6%$$ 3!&%49 ,!33%33 7%. /0%2!4 !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%3 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#  53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2 53%3 2%#/--%.$%$- !##%33/2%3  -!.9 -!#.%3 #!. %*%#4 7/2+0%#%3 4/7!2$ /0%2!4/2Additional Safety for Wood Lathes 110V Operation Circuit RequirementsAdditional Contents G0658 only Qty SetupSetup Safety Inventory Box Contents Figure QtyG0657 G0658 Clean UpG2544-Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser Site ConsiderationsMounting To prepare the lathe SetupTo install the outboard turning attachment Model G0658 only To test run the machine Test RunOperations Operation Safety Basic ControlsTailstock Controls G0657/G0658 Benchtop Lathe To change speeds Changing Speed RangesTo position the tool rest base along the bed Adjusting Tailstock Adjusting Tool RestTo position the tailstock along the bed To install the live center Installing/Removing Spur CenterInstalling/Removing Live Center To install the spur centerTo remove the faceplate Removing/Installing FaceplateTo install the faceplate To remove the live centerGouge Selecting Turning ToolsTo place the tool rest on the outboard turning attachment Outboard Turning G0658 OnlySpindle Turning To set up a spindle turning operationTo mount your workpiece to the faceplate Faceplate TurningTo mount your workpiece to a backing block Sanding/FinishingG1082-4-Jaw Chuck AccessoriesG1194-3-Jaw Chuck H7828-Tool Table PlusUnpainted Cast Iron MaintenanceCleaning ScheduleTroubleshooting ServiceSymptom Possible Cause Possible Solution To remove the old belt To install new beltChanging Belt Motor Service 6!# G0657/G0658 Wiring DiagramG0657 Main Breakdown Description G0657 Main Breakdown Parts ListG0657 Main Breakdown Parts List Contd G0657 Labels Breakdown & Parts List G0658 Main Breakdown G0658 Main Breakdown Parts List G0658 Main Breakdown Parts List contd G0658 Labels Breakdown & Parts List 22!.49 #!2$ 99.$5342!, .# 0//88 %,,.!- 7!  Warranty and Returns #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%