Barco 26-0503000-00 manual `çååÉÅíáçå=qêçìÄäÉëÜççíáåÖ=, Click the Change IP Address button

Page 58

5. GUI Installation and Operation

Running the GUI

If an operation (such as a route) is not completed by using a TAKE command via the Front Panel or via serial commands, the GUI can fall into an unknown state and operation may become unreliable.

To prevent any operational difficulties or conflicts, it is recommended that you activate the Front Panel Lockout feature on the Setup Tab.


If you experienced difficulty connecting to the GUI (in step 4 in the “Running the GUI” section), please note the following important troubleshooting steps:

„To troubleshoot Serial connection problems:

1.If you selected Yes in step 4, and MatrixPRO’s baud rate was not set to 115200 (or the wrong PC port was connected to MatrixPRO), a series of error messages will be shown.

2.Click OK to clear each message, after which the GUI will appear.

3.Check the cable and COM port connections between your PC and MatrixPRO.

4.On MatrixPRO, reset the baud rate to 115200. In Chapter 4, refer to the RS-232 Settings Menu” section on page 37 for instructions.

5.On the GUI, in the Menu Bar, click Serial Port > Connect to MatrixPRO DVI to establish communications.

„To troubleshoot Ethernet connection problems:

1.If you selected No in step 4, and an Ethernet connection could not be found (or an IP address mismatch exists), an error message will be shown.

2.Click OK to clear the message, after which the GUI will appear.

3.Check all Ethernet connections.

4.Make a note of MatrixPRO’s IP address. In Chapter 4, refer to the “IP Address” section on page 37 for instructions.


The default IP address is

5.On the GUI, click the Setup Tab.

6.In the IP Address field, enter MatrixPRO’s IP address.

7.Click the Change IP Address button.

8.Click the Ethernet radio button to establish communications.



MatrixPRO • 8x8 DVI Router • User’s Guide


Image 58
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