Craftsman 137.21229 Cuttinga BIJENSIONAL4X4WITHONECUT Fig.X, Vertical Miter Cutting FIG. Y

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A dimensional 4x4 workpiece (3ol/2 in_ x 3ol/2 in_ ) may be cut in half with one cut by attaching an auxiliary wood fence of 3/4 inch thick. See "AUXILIARY WOOD FENCE" above.

Fig. X

Auxiliary Fence \ _ 3-1/2 in.

Miter Saw Fenc

/ ' _ __._ti


Miter Saw Table


To make a miter cut in a 2x4 workpiece (1-1/2in. x

3-1/2in.) in the vertical position a spacer such as the auxiliary wood fence described in the "AUXILIARY WOOD FENCE" section is required.

Fig. Y


1ol/2 in. _

Auxiliary Fenc_b,_

3ol/2 in_

Miter Saw Fen_

I i



Base moldings and many other moldings can be cut on a compound miter saw. The setup of the saw depends on molding characteristics and application, as shown.

Perform practice cuts on scrap material to achieve best results:

1.Always make sure moldings rest firmly against fence and table. Use hold-down or C-clamps, whenever possible, and place tape on the area being clamped to avoid marks.

2.Reduce splintering by taping the cut area prior to making cut. Mark cut line directly on the tape.

3.Splintering typically happens due to wrong blade application and thinness of the material

Fig. Z





el ---,

Miter Saw Table

Miter Sa_v Table

Miter at 45 °, bevel at 0° Miter at 0°, bevel at 45 °

NOTE: Always perform a dry run cut so you can determine if the operation being attempted is possible before power is applied to the saw.


Image 21
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA Operators Manuam 10 in. Compound Miter SAW Modem NoWARNmNG ONE-YEAR Full Warranty on Craftsman ToolMotor Miter SAW15DISCONNECT Tools from Power Source General Safety mNSTRUCTmONS Before USmNG this Power ToolSPECiFiC Safety mNSTRUCTmONS for THiS Compound Minter SAW La,WARNINGn Motor Safety PROTECTmONElectrical Requrements contd GUmDEUNES for EXTENSmON CordsCOMBINATmON Square Must be True ACCESSORmESIA WARNINGn Table Insert Compound Minter SAW Terms SAWBLADEWRENCHFIG.C INSTALLINGTHEMITERHANDLEFIG.BForconvenientstorageandpreventionofloss,there Cutting Head FIG. DWARN Ne RemovingorinstallingthebladeIA WARN,NGn 1Placethehold=downclampassembly1in oneWARNNGn Miter Scale FIG. JIA Warning Bevel Stop Adjustment FIG. M & NWARN NeI ALiGNiNGTHELASER BeamAvoid Direct EYE Contact Mounting the Miter SAW FIG, O Before Using the Miter SAW Safety mNSTRUCTmONS for BASmC SAW OPERATmONUSE only Recommended Accessories Keepyour Work Area CleanAWARNmNG PlanyourworkUsetherighttool. Dontforceatool or BODYANDBANDPOSITIONFIG.P WARNINeTurning SAW on FIG. Q Before Leawng the SAWBEVELCUTFIG,S CUTTINGBOWEDMATERIALFIG.U Atanyangle,froma90straightcut0onthescaleCOMPOUNDCUTFIG,T Auxilary Wood Fence FIG. W 4incheshigh Fig+VCuttinga BIJENSIONAL4X4WITHONECUT Fig.X Vertical Miter Cutting FIG. YCutting Base Molding FIG. Z Type of CUT CUTTINGCROWNMOLDINGFIG. AA,BBSawdust LUBRICATmONSAW Guide o MotorParts List for SAW Schematic IA WARIGn10 in. Compound Miter SAW Model no 10 in. Compound Minter SAW Schematic for SAWModel 10 in. Compound LiTER SAW888oSU-HOGAR sM LoS00-LE-FOYER MCall anytime, day or night U.S.A. and Canada Call anytime, day or night U.S.A. only