Craftsman 137.24884 operating instructions ARBOR=Theshaftonwhichthebladeordadois Mounted

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ANTFKICKBACKPAWLS= Preventstheworkpiece frombeingkickedupwardorbacktowardthefrontof the tablesawbythespinningblade.



BEVELCUT= Ananglecutmadethroughthefaceof theworkpiece.

BLADEBEVELSCALE= Measurestheangletheblade istiltedwhensetfora bevelcut.

BLADEELEVATIONHANDWHEEL= Raisesand lowerstheblade.

BLADEGUARD= Clearplasticcoverthatpositions itselfoverthebladewhilecutting.



COMPOUNDCUT=A simultaneousbevelandmiter cut.

CROSSCUT= Acutmadeacrossthewidthofthework piece.

DADO= Specialcuttingbladesthatareusedtocut groovesinaworkpiece.

DUSTPORT= Holein backofsawbaseforattachment ofvacuumhose.

FREEHAND= Performingacutwithoutusinga rip fence,mitergauge,holddownorotherproperdeviceto preventtheworkpiecefromtwistingduringthecutting


GUM= Astickysapfromwoodproducts.

HEEL= MisaiignmentoftheMade.

JAM NUT = Nut used to lock another nut in place on a threaded rod or bolt.

ON/OFFSWITCH= Contains built-insafetyswitch key.TolocktheswitchintheOFFposition,removethe switchkeyfromtheswitch.


thermocoupleandprovidesa wayto restartthesaw motorifit overloadsoroverheats.

PUSHSTICK= Specialwoodenaccessorythatisused

topusha smallworkpiecewhenworkingclosetothe sawblade.

RESIN= Astickysapthathashardened.

REVOLUTIONSPERMINUTE(RPWI)=Thenumberof turnscompletedbya spinningobjectin oneminute.

RIPFENCE= Aguideusedforripcuttingthatclampsto thetabletop. Itallowstheworkpieceto cutstraight.



SAWBLADEPATH= Theareaof theworkpieceor tabletopdirectlyinlinewiththetravelofthebladeorthe partoftheworkpiecethatwil!becut.

SET= Thedistancebetweentwosawbladetips,bent outwardinoppositedirectionstoeachother.The furtherapartthetipsare,thegreatertheset.

SPLITTER= Keepstheworkpiecesplitapartafter beingcutto preventbindingonthebladeandwork piece.

TABLEINSERT= Metalinsertthatisremovedfromthe

tabletoinstall/ remove blades, it is also removed for

dado cutting. When dado cutting, a dado insert plate must be used.

THROUGH- SAWING = Making a cut completely through the length or width of a work piece.

WORK PIECE = Material to be cut.

KERF = The amount of material removed by the blade cut+

MITER CUT = An angle cut made across the width of the work piece+

MITER GAUGE = A guide used for crosscutting operations that slides in the table top channels (grooves) located on either side of the blade. It helps make accurate straight or angle crosscuts.

Leading Edge



Work Piece

Saw Blade Path

Trailing Edge

Image 9
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 USA Operators Manual 10 in. Table SAW Model NoSection ONE-YEAR Full Warranty on Craftsman ToolSAW YESLa,WARNINGn USE only Recommended AccessoriesPage Cauton Event of a Malfunction or IA WARNINGn Description Quantity Stand Abcd Mopq Rsuvwx BladeGuard BLADEELEVATIONHANDWHEEL= Raisesand lowerstheblade ARBOR=Theshaftonwhichthebladeordadois MountedDUSTPORT= Holein backofsawbaseforattachment ofvacuumhose RESIN= AstickysapthathashardenedASSEMBLESTANDFIG.A Assemblerearframesectionin exactlythesame mannerAssemble Table SAW to Stand FIG. B Thesurfaceofthetablewherethesawistobe MOUNTSAWONWORKSURFACEFIG.CDrill3/8in.holeintothemountingsurface FastenthesawtotheworksurfaceWARNmN¢ IAWARNINGnInstalling Table Side EXTENS!ONS FIG. N BLADEGUARDASSEMBLYFIG.K, L, MRIP Fence Adjustment FIG. Q Adjusting Rear Table ExtensionBlade Tilting Pointer RiPFENCEiNDiCATORADJUSTMENTFIG.QBladeparalleltothemitergaugegroove FIG.U,V IA waRninGUsing the Table Extension FIG. Y, Z ON/OFF Switch FIGRaise the Blade FIG. W Tilting the Blade FIG. WLa,WARNING IAwAR.I.GI REVELRiPPiNG ThiscutisthesameasrippingexceptthebladebevelCrosscutting 90 Miter Angle FIG. CO COMPOUNDMITERCROSSCUTTINGFIG.FF Using Wood Facing on the RIP Fence FIG. HN~45BLADE Bevel & 00~45 Miter Angle Auxiuary Fence FIG. HFig.JJ Attachauxiliaryfenceto ripfencewithtwoCclamps. Fig.ddBlade RAISmNG and TmLTmNGMECHANmSM FIGo LL IA Warn NenIAWARNmNGn Symptom Possible Causes Corrective ACT!ONWAR.I.G Parts List for SAW SchematicSchematic for SAW SAW Model Parts List and Schematic for StandParts List and Schematic for Motor Push Stick Construction Page SU-HOGAR LE-FOYER